Message from @V.Balboa - PA
Discord ID: 474803797336784897
The Streets of Chester
(Chester, NJ)
Good work @Brunswick
Has anyone put “it’s okay to be white stickers” with IE stickers or posters? I have about 100 of them
Thanks! Our policy is to not mix IE material with other posters/stickers. IOTBW is very innocuous but I think we should adhere to this rule nonetheless.
I figured so I put out like 50 IOTBW stickers in my snall home town but never any IE because we don’t have foot traffic
IOBTW would be awesome for college campuses as well
@Brunswick what about mixing IE stuff with stickers from “The Right Brand”?
not allowed for social media
Ahh but as far as hitting the same campus with both is okay? Some places I doubt I would be willing to slow down enough for photos anyways.
Yea it is ok, as long as the two aren't posted directly next to each other.
Makes sense okay
We got to meme “Americans are White”
Wilkes Barre trump Rally
I have a great story to go along with my experience at the Trump Rally with my I/E shirt if anyone would like to know
Send it.. @V.Balboa - PA
one was a young kid who I was able to talk to about that Qnon crap which I pivoted to 4chan and about the "New Right Wing " I named dropped Patrick and james Allsup and I/E and he seem pretty interested
The other person was a beautiful blonde girl who saw my shirt and ask if I was at Tryon Park 😃 she told me that she knows someone in I/E 😃 so I gave her a card 😃
Nice. Yeah, it always blows me away when you run into people wgo have heard of us. Nice job.
Thats great to hear. Our power level is growing
@V.Balboa - PA Awesome man! I'll wear my shirt to the next rally out here as well.
Bopping around Concord, MA today
careful to not sticker on something that can get us in real trouble
Yeah I mulled things over for a while before placing. I’m reasonably confident I kept it in the lines.