Message from @Reinhard Wolff

Discord ID: 519634632178794672

2018-11-22 02:09:44 UTC  

Merch, as always is for sale via your members portal. Log in, place your order in the top right corner and send payment via Zelle to the dues account or to our PO box:
Identity Evropa
PO Box 660
New Market, VA 22844

Please DM me if you've both ordered and paid for merch before LAST week's fireside chat and have not yet received it.
*XL and XXL shirts are no longer available.


2018-11-22 03:33:26 UTC  

BUY MERCH! Great way to support the organization while getting something in return. @everyone

2018-11-22 22:54:18 UTC  

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all enjoy your evening.


2018-11-24 17:50:50 UTC  


New member orientation will be held tonight at 8:30 PM EST.

2018-11-24 21:36:34 UTC  

From IE Literature Club team:

6PM (EST) this Sunday the 25th, the IE Literature Club will host Chris Robertson, a noted essayist for Counter Currents. I will conduct a 30-60 minute interview with him about his two books—In Defense of Hatred and Letters to Anwei—and then the voice chat will open to a general question format between members and Chris Robertson. My interview will be critical because I have several disagreements with Chris, but remember to be respectful; do not interrupt the guest, keep on topic, and mute your microphones when not speaking.


2018-11-24 23:22:51 UTC  


I mistakenly announced that orientation is at 8:30 PM EST tonight, when it’s normally at 8. To avoid further confusion, we’ll hold it at 8:30 PM EST nonetheless. See you there!

2018-11-25 00:48:42 UTC  

(To clarify, the “I” in the Literature Club refers to @William_1994 - WA, not me.)

2018-11-27 16:10:47 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

@Asatru Artist - MD created a cool deck of IE playing cards. 10% of the purchase goes to IE!

2018-11-27 23:50:35 UTC  

(To clarify, the rest of your purchase is what the company charges for the cards.)

2018-11-28 01:43:58 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

Exactly one year ago, Nathan named me the new CEO of Identity Evropa. At the time, there was quite a bit of uncertainty – indeed, there still is – but I nevertheless accepted the position. I can easily say that the past year, despite the many obstacles presented, has been immensely enjoyable, rewarding, and successful – not only for me, but for the organization overall.

In the past year, we

-Created a weekly podcast
-Held a number of successful actions: Defend the Rockies, Defend Identity, South African embassy, Parthenon demonstration, banner drop in Georgia, and many others – almost too many to count!
-Held our first annual conference
-Implemented a patrons program to ensure that we're able to afford our legal fees
-Instituted a number of administrative changes
-Introduced the pledge program
-Held a national day of service
-Presented our ideas on *TODAY*
-Cut ties with toxic individuals
-Took control of our activism, ensuring that our people would never again be used as useful idiots by outside entities
-Spoke at AmRen
-Won over the support of the broader movement, including many veterans
-Flyered hundreds of universities and cities
-Facilitated hundreds, if not thousands of community meetups across the country
-Celebrated the birth of the first IE baby
-Appointed dozens of new coordinators to oversee regional and staff duties

An impressive list of accomplishments, to be sure. But I can't take all of the credit by any means! I have an amazing team, which includes *all* of you, without whom this organization simply couldn't exist.

2018-11-28 01:44:03 UTC  

The best part, however, is that this is *still* just the beginning. What we're creating is being built to last. I have complete confidence that we will be removed from this absurd Charlottesville lawsuit before next summer, after which we will be able to hire new staff and build an even bigger and better organization. Either way, though, Identity Evropa *will* continue to grow, and we *will* absolutely be setting up a headquarters in the greater DC area in March.

Make no mistake, *what we are doing matters immensely.* And it will only matter more as we improve the organization next year.

I look forward to taking this organization to the next level in 2019 with you all!

Onward and upward!


2018-11-28 19:42:26 UTC  

From a North Atlantic member:

*A job is coming available soon. Starting pay is $56,500.*

*Experience required is prior military service rank of E-5 or higher in either a Supply, logistics, comptroller, or medical readiness background.*

If you’re interested, DM me.


2018-11-28 19:59:25 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

**We need more interviewers.** This is a extremely important duty—one that requires some training. We’re looking for people who can commit to doing 3-5 interviews per week for at least six months.

If you’re interested, please message me.

Also, we’ll be hosting a fireside tonight at 8:30 PM EST as usual. See you there!

2018-11-28 20:20:42 UTC  

Attention IE @everyone

We recently updated our FAQ to be a bit more conducive to creating knowledge about IE's activity and generating more applications, so come check it out. We want to keep it brief, but we would consider further additions if the topic is right.

Extremely common question:

*Is IE active near me?*

The answer we should all be familiar with:

More than likely, yes. If you are interested in joining a curated, nationwide community; then you should apply. Even if you are located far outside any metropolitan area, all Members are invited to large events multiple times per year.

Also, IE would never have started if everyone waited to apply until there was a bustling chapter in their own backyard. <:usinnoodle:420778112226164736>

Speaking of these large, national gatherings like LOPF 2018, Save The Boer, Defend Identity, and Defend the Rockies, **register for our conference in March!!** <#489823000707727360> 🇺🇸

2018-11-29 01:31:58 UTC  

Our fireside will begin shortly!

Please your mics.


2018-11-30 15:57:42 UTC  

Dues purge incoming! @everyone

2018-12-01 19:39:04 UTC  

@everyone If you suddenly find yourself with no access to the server, you have been removed for dues incompliance. It is possible you did not receive the e-mail notices regarding dues, which is why it is very important for everyone to make sure you have an up-to-date e-mail address on file with us, one you regularly check. If you have been removed for dues, you can DM @Ben - OH for instructions on how to get paid up.

2018-12-01 21:25:56 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

@Austen has a paid website gig/job available for someone with Wordpress and CSS experience. Please message him if you’re interested in getting paid to build a website.

2018-12-03 07:15:03 UTC  

Good (very late) evening @everyone! @Isabella Locke-MT is expecting next month! Her registry is attached below for those who’d like to help her out with her new child. As always, if you or your wife is expecting and you’d like some help with your registry, contact @The Morrígan.

2018-12-03 21:56:03 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

Let's all give it up for @Argument of Perigee, our member of the month for November! He was chosen for his integral role in the Colorado chapter, contributions to DTR, and duties as our patron liaison.

Keep up the great work, @Argument of Perigee! We're fortunate to count you among us.

2018-12-04 22:02:30 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

@Austen is in need of a business attorney. If that's you, please DM him!

2018-12-05 20:30:45 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

I hope your week is coming along well.

We'll have our weekly fireside tonight at 8:30 PM EST. I hope to see you there!

Additionally, I just wanted to ask you to please message me on Discord, rather than slack. I'm in at least a dozen slack servers, thus it's far easier for me to keep track of DMs on one platform. (This excludes the coordinators slack.)

I'll be finishing sifting through the applicants for the latest interviewing call to action. Thanks to everyone who reached out!

2018-12-06 01:30:48 UTC  

We'll get started in a minute or two. **Please mute your mics**.


2018-12-06 02:03:07 UTC  

@everyone Last weeks orders + those I missed prior went out TODAY! If you are missing an order, please dm me on this platform.

Merch can be ordered at using the order form in the top right corner. We are currently out of XXL shirts and Patches.

2018-12-07 23:08:22 UTC  

Friendly reminder: Where we choose to take our organization together and what each of us chooses to do with our limited time is a more important decision than anything going on in the news or any deliberation occurring in Trump's Oval Office. @everyone

2018-12-09 21:44:24 UTC  

Disregard Bryden's claims that he "bought" our roster. He's a deranged guy, and has been trying to disparage me personally and our organization overall for some time. Despite the fact that we provided substantial funding to help quash a subpoena that included his girlfriend, a former IE member, he has attempted to turn people against us for some unknown reason.

Regarding our "roster," it isn't a spreadsheet that can be easily downloaded. Everyone who has access to it has signed an NDA. And among those who have access, only a *very* small handful of individuals have access to the whole thing – coordinators only have access to their regions.

It should be stressed that IE leadership goes to great lengths to safeguard your personal information. But if you're still worried, I'd like to remind you that your Apollo information can be pseudonymous. (And if you have a lot to lose, why take the risk?)

That is all. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! @everyone

2018-12-12 00:25:01 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

I've been really impressed by the uptick in cyberstrike participation, and I want to encourage even more people to get involved!

With that said, I think we should avoid spamming IE links in YT streams hosted by fellow travelers. Even those who like IE might find themselves irritated by a constant spam of the IE apply link. One link here and there is fine, but I'd prefer we not organize coordinator "raids" for the streams of JF, Fuentes, etc. Mainstream conservatives are a different story, though.

<@&488531212437159936>s: New member orientation will commence at 8:00 PM EST. I'm looking forward to seeing you there!

2018-12-12 01:01:02 UTC  

<@&488531212437159936>s: We're getting started now. Please join the pledge_hall voice channel and mute your mics!

2018-12-12 02:26:41 UTC  

This Christmas and Yule season, give yourself a gift and register for our national conference, **Leading Our People Forward 2019**.

Don't think of it as some far off event later next year. It's already less than 3 months away, it's the most important event for all of us, and registration increases in January! <#489823000707727360> <:deye:359010025223618570>

About 150 Members made it happen last year under more uncertain circumstances. We have room for more this year. Can you follow their example?

Thank you! @everyone

2018-12-12 21:20:42 UTC  

Our fireside chat will be held in general voice at 8:30 PM EST as usual. I'm looking forward to speaking with you tonight!

Also, I'd like to remind you all that screenshotting the IE server is prohibited, as is posting such screenshots elsewhere on the internet.


2018-12-13 01:33:15 UTC  

We're getting started now! @everyone

2018-12-14 21:17:37 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

Evropa Books in now in business! Head over to <#523242124620070912> to check out what we have in stock.

All sales go to the organization – I'm not getting a dime. This is a great way to contribute to our ongoing legal defense while at the same time getting some rare books in return!

2018-12-15 03:36:30 UTC  

(Take note: Intelligence and National Achievement has sold out.)

2018-12-16 00:31:29 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

You really shouldn't be liking and posting dissident sentiments on social media under your real name. I would also advise not using your face to be on the safe side.

If I see you recklessly exposing yourself to doxing, I'm going to somewhat harshly remind you what's at stake. Stay anonymous online. I don't want to see our guys getting doxed over careless internet behavior.

You can absolutely participate in activism without getting doxed. Again, it's the online stuff that generally resulting in doxing.

2018-12-17 19:29:36 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

If you have coding *and* WordPress experience, and you’re looking for a paid one-time gig, please shoot me an email briefly summarizing your skills and qualifications. [email protected]

(This is for a friend in the movement.)

2018-12-18 01:36:57 UTC  

One of you with initials JR sent $25 to our Zelle on December 7. I cannot determine who to assign this to. If your initials are JR and you sent us $25 on the 7th, DM me.


2018-12-18 04:25:14 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

Evropa Books just received a new shipment today! Be sure to head over to <#523242124620070912> to place an order!

(All Zelle orders were mailed today.)

2018-12-18 23:23:52 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

For the Christmas flyering campaign, I’d like for you all to try to take the pictures at night with Christmas lights etc. in the background.

(Normally, flyering pictures should be taken during the day, but this is an exception.)

2018-12-19 17:45:50 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

I want all of you to do this today. Once you have, post that you’ve done so in <#359892798071373824>.

2018-12-19 18:50:50 UTC  

Update: Since the lines are busy, send them an email instead.

Also, I would advise against donating to that GoFundMe for the wall. Even if its creator is sincere, I can assure you that the dissident right is more in need of funds.


2018-12-19 19:21:57 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

Please remember when flyering to ensure that

-you’re applying IE materials to a flat surface
-all corners of the materials are pressed (as in not sticking up)

This mostly applies to materials you want to be featured on our Twitter page.