Message from @DeplorablePapa
Discord ID: 468205969055285248
Finna get this qt Latinas phone number
@Punished Scaredd As a lolbertarian, the market suggests the chad white dude
TF you on about @Deleted User
Charlie Kirk is a retard
British didn’t hate John Adams
@Earl of Grey lmao
You know who
Don't be the 2nd radec
Why would I be the second radec I’m no fornicator and she’s of age.
dont mind them earl
Lots of niggas seem to wanna create drama where there is none
Powerful laugh
how was Church today?
any update on the girl who tried to kill herself? I prayed for her today.... She ok>?
no idea anyway
finna marry a 19 year old cadolig Ukrainian girl
I'm from Ukraine
was born and raised there
yeah hopefully i can convince her to come here and stay here illegaly
ill keep her pregnant so she cant run away
id be wasting my time with american women
My wife is Polish
your blessed
100% pure polak
i havent seen this chick yet but im not worried because obesity is low there
i'm a mutt <:56:402370471347355679> Ukrainian, English, Scandinavian and (((AshkeaNAZI)))
Do you know percentages of ach
Or is it just family stories
50 % ukrainian