Message from @Sleightology

Discord ID: 471860356256497664

2018-07-26 02:02:58 UTC

2018-07-26 02:03:02 UTC  

this is so sad alexa play sleight is a stupid nigger

2018-07-26 02:03:08 UTC  

@Bolsonaro has taylor swift and a frog in one pic

2018-07-26 02:03:13 UTC  

i am a proud mexican

2018-07-26 02:03:25 UTC  

como estas

2018-07-26 02:03:34 UTC  

mexican food is chad

2018-07-26 02:03:37 UTC  


2018-07-26 02:03:39 UTC  


2018-07-26 02:03:40 UTC  


2018-07-26 02:03:43 UTC  

im jewish

2018-07-26 02:03:46 UTC  


2018-07-26 02:03:53 UTC  

2018-07-26 02:03:55 UTC

2018-07-26 02:03:56 UTC  

mexican women 👀

2018-07-26 02:04:07 UTC

2018-07-26 02:04:10 UTC  


2018-07-26 02:04:12 UTC  


2018-07-26 02:04:13 UTC

2018-07-26 02:04:20 UTC  

we got em

2018-07-26 02:04:24 UTC  

too many non-racists in this server

2018-07-26 02:04:35 UTC  

its called optics you nat soc sperg

2018-07-26 02:04:35 UTC  

"Ladies and gentleman,"

2018-07-26 02:04:36 UTC  

not enough!!!

2018-07-26 02:04:42 UTC  

"we got him."

2018-07-26 02:04:58 UTC  

@HH Well no it's not because saying the good is what is best for everyone is just calling the good by another name. A human is only good to the degree which he participates in the perfection of his nature, what that means is that the good is what allows us to become more perfect. To determine what human nature is you have to ask what a human is in the first place, what he is made of and what is his final purpose.

2018-07-26 02:05:11 UTC  

guys we will win if we post pictures of shooting jews in the head on discord come on you cucks

2018-07-26 02:05:11 UTC  

hi kids this is joe the boomers mom ,joe the boomer went swimming naked in a rain storm after the call in show well he was struck dead by lighting so im sorry to say there will be no daily braap tonight also any finical obligations he might have had are also defunct i hope you will all remember him fondly as he spoke fondly of you guys often

2018-07-26 02:05:26 UTC  

when is the daily braap its getting late

2018-07-26 02:05:34 UTC  

See post above

2018-07-26 02:05:40 UTC  

lmfao would she have to mention that he was naked

2018-07-26 02:05:59 UTC  

So a train is about to kill a doctor, or 30 children, who none of which will save anothers life, but the doctor will save another 30 peoples lives within the week. Who do we hit?

2018-07-26 02:06:00 UTC  


2018-07-26 02:06:06 UTC  

hi kids this is joe the boomers mom ,joe the boomer went swimming naked in a rain storm after the call in show well he was struck dead by lighting so im sorry to say there will be no daily braap tonight also any finical obligations he might have had are also defunct i hope you will all remember him fondly as he spoke fondly of you guys often

2018-07-26 02:06:19 UTC  

joes dox

2018-07-26 02:06:20 UTC  

@HH What is this supposed to prove?

2018-07-26 02:06:25 UTC  

Im asking what is good?

2018-07-26 02:06:29 UTC  

what is justice

2018-07-26 02:06:34 UTC  

whatever i say

2018-07-26 02:06:35 UTC  

@HH bofa

2018-07-26 02:06:45 UTC  

@HH No your not. Your asking who is more worthy of mercy.