Message from @Summī Imperator, 呪い殿

Discord ID: 493518868418134016

2018-09-23 20:24:39 UTC  

That does make a little more sense.

2018-09-23 20:24:41 UTC  

Should an economy be built up by the government, or by the market of the people would have been a better question.

2018-09-23 20:25:13 UTC  

Are we talking about the function of a economy? Or the purpose?

2018-09-23 20:25:26 UTC  

It's pretty defined.

2018-09-23 20:25:31 UTC  

The terms.

2018-09-23 20:25:39 UTC  

We need to define the terms.

2018-09-23 20:25:40 UTC  

The market. Corporations are designed top down because they're meant to do really well for a while then die, if we build our economy at large that way then... well I don't need to explain why dying is bad, do I?

2018-09-23 20:25:51 UTC  

"Should the people serve the nation or should the nation serve the people?" @Erathrys

2018-09-23 20:26:00 UTC  

Bottom up systems last for a long time.

2018-09-23 20:26:17 UTC  

Well, in that case it would depend on the values of the people.

2018-09-23 20:26:19 UTC  

The nation IS the people.

2018-09-23 20:26:29 UTC  

Didn't you just say the economy was the people?

2018-09-23 20:26:39 UTC  

You did, actually, or at least zayan did

2018-09-23 20:26:42 UTC  

@The Big Oof
A nation is a group of ideas, people and culture. So it's just like the economy question, if people are a part of it, it doesn't make sense.

2018-09-23 20:26:47 UTC  

the people 🇨🇳

2018-09-23 20:26:47 UTC  

But the people aren't separate from the nation.

2018-09-23 20:26:49 UTC  


2018-09-23 20:26:54 UTC  

I did say that. Funny.

2018-09-23 20:27:23 UTC  

The people are separate from the nation.

2018-09-23 20:27:40 UTC  

The people are a part of the economy, the people are part of the nation. They aren't the only thing in the economy/nation though.

2018-09-23 20:27:47 UTC  

If the Nation is the laws which govern it, and the people are constrained by, and disagree to those laws...

2018-09-23 20:27:54 UTC  

If all people died would a nation still exist?

2018-09-23 20:27:57 UTC  

Then the Nation is not working for the people.

2018-09-23 20:28:13 UTC  

Oh ok.

2018-09-23 20:28:15 UTC  

A people can exist without a nation

2018-09-23 20:28:19 UTC  

No, you're replacing the word "Government" with "Nation."

2018-09-23 20:28:23 UTC  

But a nation can't exist without a people.

2018-09-23 20:28:28 UTC  


2018-09-23 20:28:31 UTC  


2018-09-23 20:28:59 UTC  

But a nation doesn't serve or disserve people, the government does that. The people and their culture are what makes up a nation.

2018-09-23 20:29:01 UTC  

So the people are a separate entity from the nation itself.

2018-09-23 20:29:07 UTC  


2018-09-23 20:29:13 UTC  

I'm not trying to antagonize you. I'm just pointing out that you're attempting to divorce the people from something the people themselves are.

2018-09-23 20:29:16 UTC  

@Zayan Watchel Except it does

I don't understand what doesn't make sense about it.

"But the all people are part of the economy."

Yes, should those people expect the economy to conform to them, meaning should it be built around their culture and society, or, should their society be built around the economy?

@Zayan Watchel

2018-09-23 20:29:47 UTC  

If they can exist without a nation

2018-09-23 20:29:59 UTC  

Then they have to be a separate entity.

2018-09-23 20:30:00 UTC  

As for the nation comparison, which is actually even much easier to understand, should the people be allowed to forge the nation? Should the nation forge the people?

2018-09-23 20:30:06 UTC  

Because the question essentially amounts to: "Should people serve people."

2018-09-23 20:30:12 UTC  

As if they weren't the people wouldn't exist anymore.

2018-09-23 20:30:33 UTC  

The economy serves the people who serve the economy. The nation forges the people who forge the nation.

2018-09-23 20:30:39 UTC  

The nation *is the people,* and their culture.