Summī Imperator, 呪い殿

Discord ID: 288373783616684035

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Good evening. Is this where you are instead of greeting the newcomers, @Deleted User ?

I suppose it is only fitting for a ruler to delegate his courtly duties to his paxmen.

And hello to you, @Milk .

You're just a figurative child.

Yes to which?

The Jews are a boogieman meant to distract and steer you from seeing true atrocities.

With lesser atrocities.

The true threat is the Petro-dollar scheme.

You are a puppet as well, you look at a wall when the window is right beside you.

Pray thee tell, if the *Jewish Empire* comes tumbling down and things do not improve, then who will be your boogieman?

You're a fool if you believe that another group wouldn't try to move during the opportune time of a vast power vacuum.

A child's mindset, to be free from his parents until he realizes there are greater dangers in the world.

Which partnership do you think this mongrel from?

You are naught, but a dog that barks at anyone that looks upon him. Perhaps you should look at a real issue, or read what it is your own country is doing?

Again, you would have everyone look at the wall when the window is just on the other side.

You're an unfortunate man to think all the world's woes might be cast off with one of your boogiemen.

You are unfortunate by no power but your own.

Perhaps you should pay heed to the advice given. Mayhaps you learn a trade, or goodness forbid you start a business, or get a decent position of some sort.

A fool thinks his house safe while he burns his neighbour's.

Am I? You are the one looking to burn his neighbour's house because you think it their fault you were unable to reach your potential.

I believe in the good of all Man, but have little hope it will show itself before the end.

Again, I ask, if you had your way, and things did not improve, who would you blame at that point?

Well, you somehow think nobody would try to step into a power vacuum, that there would be no man save a Jew who would dare impose his will over the masses.

Who does?

"He" as in God?

Who is he, and who are they?

And again, if there were no Jews as your society would have it, then you think all would be honky Dory and none should try to impede another?

And you think there are no other snakes?

Do you believe the den safe after you have destroyed one threat?

I'm quite concerned that you seem to think that such a minority would have so much power without the support of the people.

Really, they must be genius.

You're a fool that can't see the forest for all the trees

That is the will of the world.

The world will goes as it does and not as you or I would have it.

No matter how much power.

That is actually money.

Money causes the issues of the world as it is.

And the greed of the few who are in control of that wealth at at the epicenter.

And there are no other evils in this world more worthy of eradication?

You believe it to be all one group?


You truly believe that there is no other man in this entire world that would do anything to impose his will upon all?

You truly think there to be only one group capable of any of this?

Western Civilization is a threat to itself.

It cultivates a sense of competition with one's Kinsmen and fosters greed.

You'd have to be willfully ignorant to believe one group the ails of all the world.

The glowing clouds of toxic chlorinated chemicals that melt away the Ozone layer allowing increasing amounts of radiation through?

It must be the Jews.

Return to whatever echo chamber you came from.

Looking at it from any perspective we've made very little of any progress save technological. In the end we are still Ina system of Overlords and Underlords.

Just the overlord is swapped out every now and again.

Very little has.

The things we know have been known, is just now we like to name and categorize them with fancy titles.

Are you against seeing value in your fellow man?

Which Church?

Hmm, you seem to have misspelled "Paganism Lite".

Literally everyone worked for the church.

At least that's what the Church would have had.

If you were a farmer and paid taxes to a king you also worked for the church as the king usually had his power through God via the Church.

I was just saying that most were endentured to the church in some capacity under the rule of Catholicism.

It was all petty squabbles over who was more correct in an issue that had no real answer.

All are to blame.

That's what reaction will do to the best laid plans.

Not having a contingency

I think rewards are a good thing.

Indulgence is not.

It's the archaic definition of indulgence.

Like Anathema

Archaic as in that is not the accepted definition in modern language.

The environment is about doomed as we knew it when we were younger. The toxins we pumped into the air for generations are eating away at our only defense against radiation from cosmic sources.

The rate at which O3 replenishes is vastly outdone by the rate at which we destroy it.

So things will continue on the current track until we can alleviate that issue, or at least slow it down to where we no longer have a loss of O3 in the upper atmosphere.

Unfortunately that is a long ways off as we won't stop using cars.

This is literally a hole in the Ozone.

These clouds just recently started appearing.

These are new.

Not the old.

These are a recent development, and the ozone has actually been reduced.

And the planet is fine with ozone depletion, we are not.

And the ocean can rise, as water expands when it is warmed, the water below the surface is quite cold, so if it starts to warm up there is the possibility of some rising. Also, Antarctica is not a solid chunk of ice, it is an actual continent as compared to the Arctic which is mostly a hunk of ice.

No, if you put the ice in a cup that is full it will displace the water.

So yes, it does rise.

And again, the ice caps of Antarctica are not in the ocean, they are above it.

On the continent.

So, if you drop an ice cube in a cup that is full, what happens?

Go on, you can do it yourself.

Fill a glass to the brim, and then put ice in it.

So if the ice melted, and it was warmer that more ice started melting faster than it could freeze, which is what we are seeing in the Arctic, it would just be replaced as if by magic?

The fact that there is now plant material growing in the Antarctic is no indication that it is warming.

Holy sweet Lord, take a glass of water, fill it and then put ice in it.

The ice of Antarctica is ABOVE sea level.

It's on a continental shelf

So, if some cataclysm caused all the ice to fall off it most definitely *could* have such an impact.

Though the huge influx of cold water would probably show signs before the rising sea levels.


That's of the ice is *in* the water.

If you have a glass that is full and add ice the water is displaced until it equalizes.

So it would over flow.

Again, try it.

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