Message from @🎃Boo-ton🎃
Discord ID: 440294810721714187
"You know how Mexico deals with their illegal immigrants from Guatemala?
They shoot them at the border"
The fucking irony is incredible.
The bot got you again lol
@Walter Johnson Thanks for the laugh.
Button complaining of California turning into Mexico reminded me of that vid lol
Is that actually you?
I don't believe it.
You didn't see nothing, goyim
Oh that's right.
I didn't.
I'm a good goy right?
A shekel for you ⚪
thank you rabbi
you're so generous
Likely Democrat pickup
state legislature I assume?
considering the circumstances, it's probably going to be a pickup, yes
I wonder if the Democratic turnout in these special elections is close to their 'ceiling'
that is, it'll be hard for them to get much higher than the votes they've gotten
so on November 6, there will likely not be much more than 87,299 voting for Tipirneni
what are your thoughts <@&432627153805377536> <@&399683356218097667>
here's GA-06 in comparison. Stooksbury doesn't even have a picture out of him, and ran a non campaign. There was speculation he didn't even exist.
with all the millions and millions of dollars that Ossof spent (more than Handel), he only got 600 more votes than a guy who people speculated didn't even exist
@Marini put that in Misc Discussions
Oh dang strict moderation
with all the work Doug Jones put in, he got 92% of Hillary's vote. You could consider this to be around the ceiling for Democrats in Alabama
Correct. Democrats have a Hillary-ceiling vote nearly everywhere.
At least in deep red states
assuming the same pattern holds, it will be tough to take Pennsylvania from Bob Casey
@Nuke yeah, this ceiling could just be for deep red areas