Walter Johnson
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got it
Who's do you think is the best candidate for the Georgia Republican primary for Govenor?
I know that Micheal Williams has been endorsed by many pro trump figures such as Roger Stone
Beto O'Rouke was one of the 70 something democrats who voted for the budget deal
That will probably hurt him with the bases support in his senate race against Lyin Ted
In CA the top two people in a primary go to the general
so its possible that the top two could be two Republicans since there's so many Democrats running it would split the vote among them
In districts that are currently republicans at least
Democrats are already campaining apparently
Its looking like there's gonna be a shitton of candidates
The GOP tax plan now has majority support
Yeah I guess
It shows that most people dont really care about RUSSIA though
I'm sure its even lower now
The first article is exageratting a bit
There's no way in hell Georgia would vote a democrat for Govenor
@๐Boo-ton๐ This has a lot of charts and graphs you would like
Its not a leftwing circlejerk like the rest of the politics subs
She's also backed by Soros
@๐Boo-ton๐ I think its a pretty safe win for the GOP
They're trying to flip the Atlanta suburbs but they're still pretty conservative there
More or Less
My district is pretty deep red
but I live really close to the 6th district which if you remember the Democrats tried to flip almost a year ago
I feel like the Tax Cut will help improve their support
The suburbs in the 6th are bunch of rich republican leaning people
Why is Arthur Jones not /our guy/? lol
Does WV have open or closed primaries?
All the Leftist candidates backed by the Justice Democrats did terribly today
Shows how out of touch those people are
What are your opinions on Chris McDaniel
who's running for the Senate seat in Mississippi
Hopefully he doesn't have a thing for teenagers too
I don't think any of the seats in Georgia are likely to flip
Michael Williams was endorsed by Roger Stone
If that means anything
^^^ Major White pill
Also this is very interesting
And Bolton's first day is tommorow
Hopefully this is just a strike on an empty airfield like the first one
The top replies for that poll lol
UVA was founded by Jefferson too
Wasn't she ahead 10 pts last week?
Keith Ellison is a leftist nutjob
It's shocking that a former Nation of Islam member almost became DNC head
Knowing him he probably considers Conor Lamb to be a Republican
We need the GOP and white Americans to continue to embrace White Identity politics
I feel like Identiarian Groups like Identity Evoropa will really help to make that happen.
We should support those guys
Also every pundit piece I've read argues that politics is getting more Tribal and this help the GOP since they're mainly composed of one group (Conservative White People)
While the democrats are composed of several groups fighting for more influence and attention
Yeah the division between white working class and more affluent white voters will cause problems but that's not really new in the GOP
As for Identiy politics I think it should be Right Wing Activist groups like Identity Evorapa who should try and normalize and mainstream it
A lot of the Right wing Populist parties in Europe have a lot of Youth Support
For instance in the French election the Youth vote was split between the Leftwing populist Melechon and the RIght wing Populist Le Pen
I don't see any reason why the same thing couldn't be replicated with Right wing populist candidates in the US (at least with white kids)
^^^This chart is important in discussing what will happen in 2020
With the election of Trump we saw a realingment of the political system with the GOP party because a more Right wing populist party similiar to the Fidesz and Law and Justice party in Poland
This was further summented with the resigning of fiscal conservatives such as Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, and Paul Ryan.
The interesting thing to see is how the Democrats will respond to this realignment
With the GOP going into a more Nationalist direction I would argue that they would respond by going in the direction an internationalist party
With a major schism between the international capitalist (the Clinton-Soros camp) and the international Socialists ( the Sanders camp)
As for 2020 my longshot guess is that there will be three main candidates representing the two groups I mentioned and the moderates that @๐Boo-ton๐ mentioned
The international Capitalists will be represented by Kamala Harris, the international populist Socialists will be represented by Bernie Sanders, and the Moderates will be represented by Amy Klobluchar
Who wins out of those three I don't really know
Kamala Harris is the most likely to do that then
Harris has close ties to Maxine Waters
I assume Harris will pay her again to endorse her lol
Kamala's also married to a Jewish guy
So that will definitely help her with (((donors))) lol
Also if Janus wins his case (which he likely will) that will be a big blow to the democrats and make it harder for them to fund progressive causes and turn out people to vote
@Deleted User in response to your long post I think its pretty clear who succeeds Paul Ryan will be a lot more Trumpian
McCarthy is pretty good friends with Trump
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