Message from @Bender
Discord ID: 708088463144255508
fuckin MLk marches? what a fducking LARPER lmao
she actually committed civil disobedience
MLK was larp
something none of you fucks have the cojones to do
>~> oop politics. Time to disappear
your profile pic is a neckbeard, and youre yelling at people on discord, what are you doing other than paying someone to lobby for you
Trooper, the MOPC sittching started to come apart on the shoulder straps. And the cumberbund wasn't sized properly.
Is that the real Gungrabbingmemes?
Yes, it is.
big difference between civil disobedience and protesting
y'all need to read up
Oh boy, that's pretty tarded.
Haha right?
:) can we move on Memeboi.
@GunGrabbingMemes So what should've those guys in Odessa done? Because if they used violence, the movement would be dismissed as a bunch of terrorists. Optics are key and violence isn't good for our optics right now
civil disobedience is protesting rn bc of corona
@Krusk who said I advocated for violence?
I'm advocating for actual useful actions
No one
They're just debating over protesting not meaning as much as civil disobedience.
and the two most useful actions at this point is lobbing and litigation
litigation and lobbying are what good 2A orgs do
Opening bars against state orders is civil disobedience lol
lobbying worked real well in 1776 lmao
It's the interceptor body armor. Apparently the Marines decided using a full body for the photo op was a good idea 🙄
Lobbying hasn't worked for shit in decades
how about protest *and* civil disobedience
***at the same time*** 😱
@Krusk easy for you to say when you haven't spent a second doing it
> The 5.11 TacTec is Editor's choice, and Crye of course has a couple up there. and the Sheelback Banshee 2.0 is also on the list
@Sparrow the tactec is a fuckin joke of a carrier lmaooo
Like... protesting on a bar's property?
@Drunk Trooper
"how could we possibly make marines more expesinve to outfit?"
@GunGrabbingMemes Hell of an accusation considering you don't know shit about me lol
Yeah guys please keep politics out of here.
Did you know. Some forms of Civil Disobedience are forms of protest... Did you know some protesters choose not to be arrested trying to make a point. Did you know that the history of protesting isnt a pissing contest.