
Discord ID: 196345363853082624

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@ISslayer90 my guy you're gonna get Justin Olsen'd

ya'll need to read up th en

Huey P Newton Gun Club

Socialist Rifle Association

for legal reasons this is only for educational purposes about a federal case

Quick update on Duncan Lemp. I briefly spoke with one of the Lemps' attorneys today. Right now the plan is to pursue alternative legal means to release the necessary documents, such as the search warrant and affidavits, and the footage.

The largest so-called "civil liberties" organization in America declined interest in this case. 2A organizations have not yet reached out to the Lemps about this case.

You can help by doing two things.

1) Consider a contribution to their GoFundMe, which will significantly help with the legal costs.

2) If you are a member of a national-level 2A or Civil Liberties organization, or if you live in Maryland and belong to a 2A or Civil Liberties organization in that state, call them and ask to speak to their legal team. Inform them about this case and, if they are interested, direct them to Sandler Law LLC, who are representing the Lemps in this case. If you are a member of Second Amendment Foundation, Maryland Shall Issue, or Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore - Marriottsville, and if you have contributed to Firearms Policy Coalition, please contact (call) them and ask them to get involved in this case.

The only way for Duncan Lemp to get justice is to keep up the momentum. We are on our own.

> I've considered buying a lifetime membership for GOA. NRA is trash though.
@Bogs_Bunny dude GOA is garbage

FPC and SAF are the only national level orgs worth joining

> GOA is better than the NRA
@MrCaviar that's not saying much

GOA is basically the Larry Pratt slush fund

they also piss away your money and they don't really do shit

then why the fuck you saying GOA is better than NRA

when you dont plan on supporting any org?

your opinion is irrelevant then

@MrCaviar lol ok, if you don't plan on doing shit for the 2A then your opinion is irrelevant. You can't change my mind

don't even fucking @ me

yeah lmao cuz protesting did so much

protesting did so much at virginia

@MrCaviar if your only form of activism is protesting you're as useless as hashtag activists

people don't give a shit about protestors

they give a shit about lobbyists

they give a shit about litigation

@Krusk Rosa Parks wasn't protesting dumbfuck

she actually committed civil disobedience

something none of you fucks have the cojones to do

big difference between civil disobedience and protesting

y'all need to read up

@Krusk who said I advocated for violence?

I'm advocating for actual useful actions

and the two most useful actions at this point is lobbing and litigation

litigation and lobbying are what good 2A orgs do

@Krusk easy for you to say when you haven't spent a second doing it

Keep thinking that dressing up in tacticool gear is gonna change things

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