Message from @gothicancientalien
Discord ID: 713464032107036753
How the hell do I invite people.. 🤣🤣🤣 truckin made me technologically ignorant
I have some PA dudes I'm trying to convince to come on here
We made invited more private so people would stop posting links in random ass servers
You need one?
You can privately message me about anything under the sun bro. Stays between the two of us @[TX] johnking1
@gothicancientalien que the music 😂
Go away Bambi
@Bambi thanks man I appreciate it
No problem
I figured it out@Abe Clark thx
Weak sucker punch tho
@Bambi made me think of the fight club scene lol
You hit me in the ear 😂
That's awesome lol
I like the PolyU bridge one with the armored truck on fire
They were chanting give me liberty or give me death multiple times
Is.. is that a catapult?
And DON'T TREAD ON ME with the flags
What a fucking nut
Why no one shipped them guns and shit idk
Yes. They were throwing bricks at the chinese police
I love it
I mean the guns
People did try to ship them guns
I haven’t heard anything about that
that's no catapult
that's a TREBUCHET
People stopped cuz the ccp took them and was using them
capable of launching a 90kg projectile over 300 m
assuming built to full size
That would be a great commercial. "Is that a catapult?"
"Why yes it is! When it come to keeping the streets safe from tyranny, accept no substitutes. Hong Kong catapult company is here for you!"
"And every catapult comes with a free guide of what chemicals you should never mix and hurl into MRAPs, a $19.99 value, free!"
Fuck yeah
Shoulda sent cia dudes over to help train the bois and give them Minecraft guns