Message from @jackoffofalltrades
Discord ID: 708397936651927614
It isnt no holds barred if NAP is violated
The security guard was wrong for shooting someone because they didnt wear a mask unless it go violent on their part.
I know its no holds barred but on a deep, subconscious level, I struggle with it. I just find it hard not to blast the .357 on a mosquito sometimes. And that feeling can occur in the most mundane of circumstances. You can't tell me you haven't struggled not to snap the neck of the guy who's dog shit on your lawn that one time when you had just finished😂
I gotcha. I mean yeah I agree theres def times I think the worst but in reality I couldnt ever act that way. Call it innocence, but even if I hated someone with all my being, I couldnt react to situation like that in the way the guard did
Same. I know he was wrong, but I completely get it. It was probably the 786th time that day he had to say something to someone and he just snapped. Not justified in any way, but absolutely understandable
The guard is the one who got shot @SKIPJACK647 He and some lady had an argument over a mask. Her husband and son came back and argued with the guard and ended up shooting him
Just as bad imo. Thanks for the clarification. Was half dead when I read it and typed
Region Chats are a great idea but here is an enhancement suggestion. Define which states are in which region because some states can get cross categorized being on the edge of two regions. Virginia is southeast, BTW.......
Yeah like use the threepers map. And those on the borders should be included together
Can we get sharks with frikkin lazers on their heads?
> I was thinking we should have people with knowledge on certain topics marked with roles. Like "Medical" "Tactical" "armorer"..... Etc
@Acadian Adventurer Specialty roles like these are now available at <#704856167318552647>. Irrelevant roles will not be given.
> Region Chats are a great idea but here is an enhancement suggestion. Define which states are in which region . . .
@[VA] JediComms Fixed
I was also thinking maybe role requests in our states or regions, so we can narrow down who is even closer.
Should we set state and region representatives
I was thinking maybe we needed a doggo channel, but after thinking on it, I figured that would just get them shot.
<#704816589111033916> is now located in voice channels
Just some emoji suggestions, use as you will any or none
Could there be a happiness channel? Just something to help cheer people up since things are tough. Smiles and laughter are always nice.
My cat has been following me around the house and it is really nice to feel wanted.
@Catman - Are you feeling cabin fever?
Who isn't?
> Could there be a happiness channel? Just something to help cheer people up since things are tough. Smiles and laughter are always nice.
@Catman Trial channel <#708631260439904277> added
can't believe I've been left on read. ouch, man.
I need to figure out how to add emojis lol
down load images, go back to server, look at the top left.. click the v next server name> Server Settings> third down under roles on the left panel. then just hit upload emoji and Shift select all.
> down load images, go back to server, look at the top left.. click the v next server name> Server Settings> third down under roles on the left panel. then just hit upload emoji and Shift select all.
@Diggs Thank you!
Russian regional chat? Maybe Africa too?
@John Public <#709557366307422398> and Africa category added
Update the welcome message to the new server name.
What about a category for those that speak a foreign language and those that want to learn?
Good idea, was thinking the same thing a few days ago.
Perhaps we should more clearly outline that ne wjoins MUST request a state/regional role within a set pwriod of time or be booted. And reinforce that the main goal is to network with those near you for meets/ further discussions. I'm not sure if its a problem but I'd like to see more activity in state chats as a sign that people are actually using this as the meeting forum it was intended and more than just a disparate grouping of Libery lovers posting at each other. Again, just an idea
"Please request a state role that mirrors your resident state. Also be mindful of the fact that this is not a secure server and is best utilized for the seeking out and finding those within your geographic area that are looking to meet up in person for the furthering of Liberty.
Due to the sensitive nature of our community, those who fail to follow the above directions and/or fail to contribute to this community in a meaningful manner face expulsion."
I dunno. I think to damn much😂