Message from @AmericaFirst
Discord ID: 452647580405465090
Government Officials
Any idea their ethnicity ?
Obama is Jewish?
Bush is Jewish?
every president before is Jewish?
Obama is jewish actually on his mom's side iirc
The most significant piece of legislation that led to the demographic shift, was the 1965 immigration act created by the Jew Emmanuel Celler
The more recent people you named , are owned either by jewish lobbying groups like AIPAC or top jewish donors like the jew George Soros or the jew Sheldon Adelson or they get money from jewish owned banks like Goldman Sachs
you said ethnicity
so again which issue would do better with the Average White American. A Far Right Populist or a Little Candidate
The far right populist will be controlled by the jews unless he takes a stand against it is my point
So a guy like me would be controlled by Jews if I ran?
I wouldn't know how you would run your campaign
Okay, I do understand the JQ is an important Issue, but it shouldn't be the only issue we talk about. If I was to run, of-course you can point out Jewish Control but I wouldn't focus on that topic.I would focus on topics that affect the normal White American.
Economy and Immigration are very two important issues for the White Working Class
I feel like if you are going to talk about these controversial issues, at least approach them in a normal way
The immigration and economic issues are symptoms of the problem of jewish supremacy. They are letting the immigrants in. They are setting up the self destructive trade deals, etc.
so if you were to run, would you take the same approach Little is taking?
I don't have a problem talking about the JQ, it's just how we talk about it
I'd mention it but I would also address other issues.
I can see why someone would say that is all he talks about
But im definitely glad someone is doing it
well I have to go
Nice Discussion
Glad we could have a good faith talk rather than shitfling
If you like stats,
It's old, but gold.
CBS poll: Health care is the top issue for midterm voters, followed by jobs/wages and immigration. The Russia probe ranks far behind.
That bill up from Face the Nation is for protecting dreamers
Trump says he will veto
So we will have to see
some libtards warn that the wall will cost us so much
what are some counter arguements to shoot these liberals down?
They wanna spend a limitless amount on nationalized healthcare but for some reason 14 billion for security is too much
They want to spend billions on immigration and muh government benefits. That's just a whataboutism though for after you have already decimated their point