Message from @_Than0s_14
Discord ID: 531949126192201729
Big Al got a big cold rn so vidya is my only real activity
I miss House of Cards
I never watched that show
Im not a big tv guy
I rarely watch tv shows but that one was magnificient
But no more Spacey :(
Spacey was a good actor
shame hes a freak
Or is he???
Idk I'd still watch anything he's in
so how do I get over the ice wall?
Very important
We could go under with submarines, or ski across the top for months on end
@_Than0s_14 <:GWczeAngryCry:402867151465086981> <:GWczeAngryCry:402867151465086981> <:GWczeAngryCry:402867151465086981>
Fuck e girls
who broke your heart
your mom
Me on the left
Modern art has not only infected modern architecture but also fashion
@Read Culture(T_pepe_edition) <:GWmythicalGhostHug:367722252567052298>
👁 👁
Marvle is probably one of the biggest factors that keep people from waking up
maybe best monologue tucker has ever had
its genuinely amazing how boomers care so much about football even when they admittedly hate the players