Message from @MACrusader
Discord ID: 404613503735955456
Have fun
its full of moonmen
I forgot the worst of all, you could be a kike and have a white arm
It’s Reddit who thinks they’re not Reddit
You mean BBS
That hurts and I never used the BBS
Darth Vader voice * you knoooowww it to be true
that's called a nigger dot for the uninitiated
btw, if anyone see's BRJ posting yenta shit while he is gone from here on another server let me know
because i care
care enough to scorch the earth
It actually doesnt look half bad
im about to go bowlserk
to mamz a man when hes sleeping is the lowest of jew tricks
"Oy Vey! Nationalism is evul Goyim!"
The server lies in chaos.
One thing can save it.
@Horwin Thanks bowlddy
Chinese state media: US government shutdown exposes 'chronic flaws'
@Vladislav_Hardbassanov That's alot of hormones you're drinking there...
Whole milk or no milk!
Ok so my dad is still pissed I sent him a dailystormer article saying the jews did something wrong last week. So whites being a minority soon doesn't matter what really matters is cucking at every chance for jews and liberals so you can live a good life jfc. This country is going to get worse and worse and all I should just allow it just like the boomer generation that made the national debt and told us to go fuck ourself