Message from @The Final Bowlution
Discord ID: 404652810496507907
that's called a nigger dot for the uninitiated
btw, if anyone see's BRJ posting yenta shit while he is gone from here on another server let me know
because i care
care enough to scorch the earth
It actually doesnt look half bad
Fuckin l o l
im about to go bowlserk
to mamz a man when hes sleeping is the lowest of jew tricks
"Oy Vey! Nationalism is evul Goyim!"
The server lies in chaos.
One thing can save it.
@Horwin Thanks bowlddy
Chinese state media: US government shutdown exposes 'chronic flaws'
@Vladislav_Hardbassanov That's alot of hormones you're drinking there...
Whole milk or no milk!
Ok so my dad is still pissed I sent him a dailystormer article saying the jews did something wrong last week. So whites being a minority soon doesn't matter what really matters is cucking at every chance for jews and liberals so you can live a good life jfc. This country is going to get worse and worse and all I should just allow it just like the boomer generation that made the national debt and told us to go fuck ourself
I can never talk they always wait until there's 50 of them and one of me
How come we don't have an official alt right mortal kombat mod? We've got the Moonman Doom mod
Cmon autists, make it happen
I wish I could make games cause there needs to be a full romhack of this
With a robust storyline and everything
Maybe a sequel called Super Aushwitz 64
@Horwin yeah man the boomers have something like Stockholm syndrome. 70 years of non stop mental and emotional abuse from every angle, from the day they were born. Total mental conditioning to a degree never before seen in history