Discord ID: 248294401225392139
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Hey guys
I'm mostly a dailystormer guy from MA.
I was interested in the meeting on the 23rd and the event in Maine.
Weev was talking about a last stand of the boomers that actually redeemed them. Nothing like what happened Sunday.
CC did nothing wrong
Just scroll up
A fire extinguisher wouldn't be a bad idea at future events I guess.
Ww2 games just made me want to play as a German more
German is still better than Mexican or ebonics
Vonder is now blocked
As a Yankee @Billy Ray Jenkins can confirm
I was waiting for the bass to drop
Slaying internet dragons is the fastest way to save the white race
Ok so my dad is still pissed I sent him a dailystormer article saying the jews did something wrong last week. So whites being a minority soon doesn't matter what really matters is cucking at every chance for jews and liberals so you can live a good life jfc. This country is going to get worse and worse and all I should just allow it just like the boomer generation that made the national debt and told us to go fuck ourself
I can never talk they always wait until there's 50 of them and one of me
Can I get his goat?
Yeah the Twitter post only has like ten replies
I was banned because of a dank heimbach stroll I made
I thought we weren't doing that now
Like half the server left over this
Those misdemeanors will be upgraded hopefully
This is fantastic news
One of the best articles in a while
I'll have to check it out
That article on dailystormer was the biggest whitepill
Very slapable face
If no woodchipper is available can we use a snowblower or snowmelter?
Do we rape them before or after?
I heard the organs of all mammals taste the same
Let's find out
What time are we thinking?
I think ns sounds alot like Anglin on the phone
Lol your similar but not the same
You could easily be mistaken for Anglin by fetal alcohol syndrome journalists
Thou shalt not bear false bowls before me
Some boomer retard just threw like three 100ah lithium batteries in a trash compactors . Big fucking fire
I wish
Shakin my bowl
Are we not calling [REDACTED] now?
I'm getting in vc now. I'm currently in a faggot ass book club vc
55gallon drum nationalism
That first one would be a good desktop wallpaper
@MACrusader your so loud when your in voice jfc
Lol that's implied
There's a lot of dogshit in Boston too
When is the [REDACTED] call going on YouTube?
Hate house on trs is funnier than the dailyshoah
We need to write a chipper boggs children's story and put it up on dailystormer. The media would flip out
Fell asleep in voice
Love season in the abowls
Us millennials are ungrateful to what the boomers gave us
Lol which shoah?
This is gold
Send him the billy Ray tribute
So he can verify
Add me nigger
I posted in Vic's group chat today
Slipped on ice today. Jewish co-worker laughed his ass off
@MACrusader doth thou even lift?
I don't think it's a good idea
The rdds will be all fucked up today
Rapid dindu delivery system
Fuck it lets go
Earlier the better so some niggers don't take the benches
I'll try to get there like 4:15 the latest
I was late as fuck for work today I actually felt bad
Wasn't my fault it snowed and white people can't drive
<@&336660469504802816> not sure if these names are old English or from a football team roster.
Like that key and Peele skit
Bowlsley plugington...... Linebacker muffuga groiduated Harlem preschool
Same girl right?
Donnie stole his bitch
You sly dog
That server is what happens when women aren't barefoot pregnant and in the kitchen
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