Message from @Boo

Discord ID: 605825417588375578

2019-07-30 13:50:58 UTC  

did you even read past that very first part of the page?

2019-07-30 13:51:41 UTC  

While there are many drivers of climate, CO2 is the most dominant radiative forcing and is increasing faster than any other forcing.

Climate Myth...
CO2 is not the only driver of climate
CO2 is not the only driver of climate. There are a myriad of other radiative forcings that affect the planet's energy imbalance. Volcanoes, solar variations, clouds, methane, aerosols - these all change the way energy enters and/or leaves our climate.

2019-07-30 13:53:42 UTC  

yes i did dear

2019-07-30 13:53:49 UTC  

its not a myth

2019-07-30 13:53:56 UTC  

did you even read the actual science

2019-07-30 13:54:18 UTC  

the only myth here is the assumption that the science says CO2 is the main/only driver of climate

2019-07-30 13:54:25 UTC  

that is simply a false assumption

2019-07-30 16:39:16 UTC  


2019-07-30 16:39:23 UTC  

who @ me and then remove.

2019-07-30 18:06:26 UTC  

@chuckayy Which part of the widely accepted science are you in denial about, exactly?

2019-07-30 18:06:52 UTC  

You don't think CO2 is a major driver of climate change?

2019-07-30 18:07:35 UTC  

its multifaceted

2019-07-30 18:10:22 UTC  

Ok, but greenhouse gasses (CO2 being a major one) are widely accepted to be the main contributer - and the rising greenhouse gasses are widely accepted to be mostly due to human activities

2019-07-30 18:11:35 UTC  

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report concluded, "It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century."[7] The largest human influence has been the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.

2019-07-30 18:12:11 UTC  


2019-07-30 18:13:07 UTC  

CO2 has contributed more than any driver to climate change between 1750 and 2011.

2019-07-30 18:13:36 UTC  


2019-07-30 18:13:37 UTC  


2019-07-30 18:13:55 UTC  

Yes so stop saying that we'd also have to kill cows because they fart

2019-07-30 18:14:34 UTC  

We're saying that we are rapidly changing the enviornment

2019-07-30 18:15:06 UTC  

And we are doing it in a way that we have no real way of actually adapting to it

2019-07-30 18:16:11 UTC  

Floods will suddenly become common in places that weren't like so, crops are gonna be ruined in many places, many animals will die

2019-07-30 18:16:26 UTC  

These are a few things that happen in that sudden shift

2019-07-30 18:16:48 UTC  

And it already sounds terrifying

2019-07-31 21:53:41 UTC  

Im sorry but you can not look at the CO2 levels chart from the mid to late 1800s to now and draw any definitive conclusions. From a geologic perspective the rise in CO2 is a hiccup. Currently we are in a CO2 deficient time period compared to the rest of geologic time. Since the 80s they have said we will be 2 degrees Celsius warmer now than we were then and that has not happened but none of that matters at all until you address the root cause of all pollution which is our population. More people more consumption. I am not saying humans are not effecting our environment I am saying we are not the absolute main drivers of it. I will not call it "climate change" in the political sense because our climate is always changing and always will.

2019-07-31 23:15:24 UTC  

@BIBOMO You have to understand that the conclusions that scientists have drawn come from far more than a single "chart". There are mountains of evidence. And believe it or not but the scientists are smart enough to look for confounding variables, and consider "natural" climate change in their predictions and assessments.

2019-07-31 23:16:44 UTC  

Greenhouse gasses, and in particular man-made CO2 are the biggest "drivers" of climate change.

2019-07-31 23:18:02 UTC  

I agree that we don't need more humans, but functionally (considering the technology we currently have, not even considering what breakthroughs may happen) the planet Earth can support FAR more humans than we currently have.

2019-08-01 19:50:20 UTC  

Not having kids to counter the problems from an increasing population could have its own problems

2019-08-01 19:51:12 UTC  

You'd have a graying population crisis on your hands

2019-08-01 19:51:35 UTC  

Such as the one Denmark has right now

2019-08-01 19:52:40 UTC  

The government there literally created an ad on it and told people to have sex more and also gave tips on how to improve your chances of having sex

2019-08-01 21:40:33 UTC  

Or japan

2019-08-01 21:42:42 UTC  

@BIBOMO i love the idea you have that scientists use just one chart . Do you imagine hundreds if them gathered around it like the mona lisa?

2019-08-01 21:45:27 UTC  

On the topic of cow farts, that many conservatives point to as evidence of...something, im not sure if you people think cows were the dominant species on the planet before humans or what but large scale cow farming of cows specifically bred to be docile and meaty is a new phenomenon largely driven by demand in developed countries. Which still counts as human caused co2 emmissions.

2019-08-01 21:45:59 UTC  

Also they belch. Its not their farts. If youre going to make fun of libs at least get your farts and burps right for fucks sake

2019-08-01 21:46:51 UTC  

And finally, the final argument: climate is always changing. Yep. So is your bank account balance. That doesnt mean i am allowed to empty it.

2019-08-01 21:47:12 UTC  

Go ahead and close down this channel now. Debates over