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2019-07-31 21:53:41 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #climate-debate]  

Im sorry but you can not look at the CO2 levels chart from the mid to late 1800s to now and draw any definitive conclusions. From a geologic perspective the rise in CO2 is a hiccup. Currently we are in a CO2 deficient time period compared to the rest of geologic time. Since the 80s they have said we will be 2 degrees Celsius warmer now than we were then and that has not happened but none of that matters at all until you address the root cause of all pollution which is our population. More people more consumption. I am not saying humans are not effecting our environment I am saying we are not the absolute main drivers of it. I will not call it "climate change" in the political sense because our climate is always changing and always will.

2019-09-12 14:45:18 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #gender-issues]  

Gun laws only punish law abiding citizens not criminals. criminals will get guns one way or another. if they can't get a gun they will find other weapons to harm people with. The Second Amendment was intended to keep the government in check. It is part of the Checks and Balances the founders wrote into the constitution. We currently have a corrupt government that does not fear the people. We do not have a gun problem we have a people problem.

2019-09-12 14:46:06 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #gender-issues]  

now that i look at what room we are in why is this being discussed in Gender-issues???? LOL

2019-09-30 21:08:48 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

So lets get back to discussing economics. who do you expect to pay for UBI? also if we had a industry based economy instead of a service based economy we would have a lot more higher paying jobs. if people would stop going to school for worthless degrees that have absolutely no job potential (GENDER FUCKING STUDIES) or go to a trade school maybe we would have fewer people trying to work full time at McDonalds and more people making products. I went back to school at 25 and graduated at 30 with 30k in loans. increased my income of my family by 125% because I picked a degree that would lead to a real job with a good income. I worked for that and should not have to subsidize people who do not want to work or are too lazy to put the effort in to better themselves. Steal from the rich to pay for the poor does not work and never will.

2019-09-30 21:19:23 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

instead of calling names make a valid logical rebuttal please.

2019-09-30 21:28:22 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

Yes. If we produced products to export instead of services then we would have better paying jobs.

2019-09-30 21:29:22 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

again who pays for it

2019-09-30 21:31:09 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

again steal from the rich to pay for the poor does not work. there is no incentive for the poor to improve or become better

2019-09-30 21:31:16 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

that is why hand outs never work

2019-09-30 21:40:19 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

Based on what I just read the VAT tax has had mixed success world wide. It has potential to create higher tax revenue for governments but increased the cost of products basically driving inflation because ultimately it is always the consumer that pays the tax. I still say this is a heavily bureaucratic burden on businesses. The better solution is to create more better paying jobs thus increasing the tax paying base. we also would not need to raise taxes if the government reduced spending and got rid of the debt.

2019-09-30 21:45:54 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

I do think we need to make it easier for people to aquire patents and create businesses. Our financial education in school also needs completely changed. we have lower income people using credit to live above their means. we have taught by example and through our education that credit is ok which can be if used properly.

2019-09-30 21:49:01 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

I do not have the answer to this issue. I do like to hear other perspectives and maybe learn a thing or two. Thanks for the discussion @Deleted User

2019-09-30 21:50:14 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

Ill look it up

2019-09-30 21:50:49 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  


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