Discord ID: 327446339774316554
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affirmative action = new age racism and will be looked back upon historically as such
if they get paid less the education wont be as good either
how do you decide what is "satisfying marks" if there wasnt standardized testing @Dusty Morgan
how do you decide what the percentage is if there isnt universal stasndarized testing
there would have to be the same sort of testing across the board for you idea to work
not everyone cant get laid and dont turn bitter against an entire gender of people
@Dusty Morgan youre missing the point, the only way you get test your teachers is if you have a universal standard test
without a standardized way of testing the students
because what is A to one teacher wont be to another
"Test are not for determing the teachers ability."
you literally just said the teachers would get paid based on how well their students do
how do you determine what the satisfactory level is
"teachers will be paid based on how well their students do but there will be no universal testing to determine how well they are doing"
this is an invalid argument and im sorry if that is over your head
especiaslly if the incentive is to have high grades in your class
@Dusty Morgan argument is asinine
"if they havent learned" = a standardized means of testing
i get the feeling dusty morgan didnt do well in school
based on the disdain and also the terribly invalid argument
no i asked you to answer the question directly: how would you grade the teachers
your answer: by how well the students do, but without a standard test
in @Dusty Morgan world i can earn a million as a teacher a year if my students all get As!
damn i really wish i could call people faggot niggers
how many other discords have you complained about it to yet
>goes on other discords complaining about getting muted
>calls other people triggered
what the fuck did you think was going to happen
i didnt make the rules on the joe rogan discord
you can make assumptions about my entire persona and world view based on a few quotes in a chatroom
@Undead Mockingbird came in here complaining about getting muted for going around the nigger censor on the discord
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