Message from @Sh0t

Discord ID: 644941837961920524

2019-11-15 16:37:07 UTC  

GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 6!

2019-11-15 16:37:12 UTC  

I dunno how we can have accurate statistics about their contributions when they are working under the table, by default

2019-11-15 16:38:56 UTC  

maybe the gangs eating babies actually contribute to the government with taxes

2019-11-15 16:39:08 UTC  


2019-11-15 16:39:47 UTC  

That's the problem, and the problem with that Yale study is that there's no consideration as to whether or not the phantom 11 million additional illegal immigrants have also committed crimes or not. It's presupposing that they don't.

2019-11-15 16:40:31 UTC  

the logic of it is that if there are more illegals than assumed, the proportion of crime has gone down relative to the population

2019-11-15 16:41:11 UTC  

yeah proportionally

2019-11-15 16:43:41 UTC  

@Cobra Commander It doesn't find any further crimes to attribute to them.

2019-11-15 16:44:09 UTC  

I know, but again it's not accounting for their own possible criminality. Let's say that these people have been in the United States and not known to be illegal immigrants, but a number of them have committed crimes. If you're adding this amount of people to the known illegal immigrants population, that's going to also reflect on the crime rate.

2019-11-15 16:44:35 UTC  

but if they were then the crime statistics would increase

2019-11-15 16:45:09 UTC  

Until you find more crimes committed, they can't make that call.

2019-11-15 16:45:42 UTC  

Anyway, the illegals commit more crime meme is bullshit according the mainstream consesus. End of story.

2019-11-15 16:45:46 UTC  

I wouldn't be surprised at the crime situation, since you are worried about getting deported

2019-11-15 16:45:57 UTC  

Get picked up for shoplifting, end up deported

2019-11-15 16:46:07 UTC  

They would be wise to keep a low profile

2019-11-15 16:46:25 UTC  

same for getting into a bar fight or getting the cops called on them by their boss, etc

2019-11-15 16:47:11 UTC  

it isn't tho proportionally when compared to the natives, the articles I've seen stating that only provide raw numbers disregarding proportionality

2019-11-15 16:47:41 UTC  

I've seen some they suggest strongly they commit crimes at lower rates , but that might be for the above effect

2019-11-15 16:48:10 UTC  

deport the bad ones, I'm fine with that. Deporting all of them hurts our economy local and national for no real gain.

2019-11-15 16:48:14 UTC  

CATO says the US gov stats are incomplete regarding the nationality of criminals

2019-11-15 16:48:36 UTC  

I would deport them all and expand legal immigration

2019-11-15 16:48:39 UTC  

The immigration system needs to be more streamlined as well

2019-11-15 16:48:59 UTC  

There is no reason for letting people that border hop stay, that's just going to invite more waves, like previous amnesties did, look at Spain

2019-11-15 16:49:54 UTC  

The 'hurting the economy' part would have to be shown at a far more granualar level than the gains in say capital growth from paying illegal employees much less

2019-11-15 16:50:09 UTC  

illegal aliens might RAISE the crime rate of NATIVES by that measure

2019-11-15 16:50:26 UTC  

if illegals take jobs that poor natives would have, those natives might end up committing more crimes than they would if they were employed

2019-11-15 16:50:37 UTC  

Yes, that's the cato article i read and referred to

2019-11-15 16:50:53 UTC  

```This issue will be resolved when states and localities keep better records of the immigration statuses of people convicted in their states – just like Texas does. The crime data are so complicated and inconsistently kept that even the government misinterprets its own data. The government should resolve these data issues.```

2019-11-15 16:52:03 UTC  

What data do you have that concludes illegals take jobs from natives? Because I've never seen it.

2019-11-15 16:54:27 UTC  

gotta go make the daily bread, I'll check it later, ty.

2019-11-15 16:54:30 UTC  

```Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both
wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate
number of whom are black men. Expert economic opinions concerning the negative
effects range from modest to significant. Those panelists that found modest effects
overall nonetheless found significant effects in industry sectors such as meatpacking
and construction. [Approved (5-1): Chairman Reynolds and Commissioners Gaziano,
Heriot, Kirsanow, and Taylor voted in favor; Commissioner Yaki voted against.]```

2019-11-15 16:56:17 UTC  

the studies use legal migration

2019-11-15 18:42:07 UTC  

there is no definitive, concrete proof that god exists or that he doesn't exist

2019-11-15 18:42:24 UTC  

there is simply no way you can possible prove that he is or isn't there

2019-11-15 18:44:02 UTC  

There isn't even a little bit of proof that God exists.

2019-11-15 18:44:30 UTC  

well, if you don't know how exactly everything began, you can't really say

2019-11-15 18:44:57 UTC  

When there isn't proof for something, you don't believe it. You don't "equally" believe that it exists or doesn't when you don't have "proof" either way.

2019-11-15 18:45:03 UTC  

It's called the burden of proof

2019-11-15 18:45:23 UTC  

i'm not saying that i believe in god, because i don't, but i'm just saying there isn't any way *currently* but we might be able to in the future