Message from @TheBritishGamer β€πŸ”‘ (Meh)

Discord ID: 526095447979196439

Founding Father Alexander Hamilton had a quote

About why he chose Jefferson (who he hated) over Burr

"Jefferson has beliefs, Burr has none"

Was Jefferson an asshole? Yes, but he's an asshole with a plan

2018-12-22 16:49:09 UTC  

@TheBritishGamer β€πŸ”‘ (Meh) your understanding of American history is very weird. Jefferson was one of the best people to ever serve as US president, even if it was a bit of a hypocrite when it came to slavery

@Tyberius D That's what I mean

Jefferson was an asshole

But a good President

2018-12-22 17:03:20 UTC  

Guy raped his slave, enslaved his bastard mixed children and was an utter twat towards people like Hamilton

Jefferson vs Adams in 1800 was a case of an asshole (Jeffie boy) vs a corrupt person (Adams) @Tyberius D

2018-12-22 17:07:20 UTC  

@TheBritishGamer β€πŸ”‘ (Meh) dude, Hamilton got in a fight with almost everyone he talked to!

Jefferson seems like one of those people that would hold a grudge and exact vengence (like Hamilton but smarter)

Basically, Jeffie boy is old-school Tory, Hammie is Labour

Don't judge my nicknames for them XD

2018-12-22 17:52:55 UTC  

@Tyberius D Nah, the Labour Party is mainly about being loud enough to be noticed. The old-school Tories are about sliding your way to power

Who the fuck cared about May befote he contested for leader?

Same with Cameron

2018-12-22 17:55:07 UTC  

@TheBritishGamer β€πŸ”‘ (Meh) granted that the political parties work a little different over here, but by policy you would want to flip them.

Nah, by the way they get noticed @Tyberius D


Jefferson was born arrogant

Hamilton grew arrogant

Also, isn't the Jeffersonian idea of States having freedom more Republican?

Correct me if I'm wrong

2018-12-22 18:05:51 UTC  

@TheBritishGamer β€πŸ”‘ (Meh) I don't care for your argument on personality, you have jackasses on both sides of the aisle, in both countries.

Jefferson to a large degree was a social liberal, especially considering he hated the Christians. To large degree he was a constitutionalist, until the Louisiana purchase where reality smacked him upside the head. Economically he was pretty conservative, he would probably be labeled a libertarian today.

Hamilton was indeed a federalist, but also was the nation's real first economist.

The problem is political parties don't line up the way they used to. A big government, economic conservative and a deist, protectionist don't really have a place in our modern political theory.

Hey, I think he was a great President

But, like all the Founding Fathers tbh, a cunt

2018-12-25 22:08:35 UTC

2018-12-26 01:59:26 UTC  

Alright, <@!506225906910494731> has been warned for '**Posted an invite**'.

2018-12-27 11:14:23 UTC

2018-12-27 11:14:50 UTC  

why does this remind me of OrwellΒ΄s animal farm?

@McBacoon That is from Animal Farm

2018-12-27 11:20:46 UTC  

wasnt this meme from like some painting?

2018-12-27 11:21:10 UTC  

```"Brother, May I Have Some Oats" is a copypasta expression associated with a painting of two pigs, which is commonly circulated on 4chan's /s4s/ and /r9k/ boards where it is often referred to as "oatposting."```

2018-12-27 11:21:22 UTC  

```with a painting of two pigs```

2018-12-27 16:19:53 UTC

Guys! It's marginal by 7!

Btw, the parents of the girl said they don't care Trump said that