Message from @beyond_gravity

Discord ID: 603592419652534311

2019-07-23 17:25:29 UTC  

you dont give out free dental or plastic or things like this

2019-07-23 17:40:15 UTC  

Now I like how unlike most universal healthcare people, you actually have some sanity to your argument

Now I’d like to point you to Canada in 2017 with 4 hour emergency wait times, to the U.S 90 minutes
And Canada’s 3.8 week non-urgent care wait times.

Now Britain, with again 4 hour wait times, for urgent, but this time only 77% of patients saw that, but that’s still a big majority. Now to their Non-Urgent wait times which get this 16 to 18 fucking weeks. And that isn’t from some news org, that’s from the NHS themselves. So really we could assume they are longer,

The U.S with non universial healthcare, takes like 90 minutes with urgent care, and maybe 1 or 2 weeks to book appointments.

So that’s already boost down in quality, for universal healthcare, now paid healthcare also keeps doctor wages up, like in the U.S doctors make up to 200’000 dollars a year, depending on area and type of doctor it could be a bit less or a lot more like neuron doctors who get paid 600’000 dollars but doctor’s in Britain get paid to around 100’000 thousand euros which equates to 179’000 U.S dollars.

Now, the Life expectancy in Britain is 2% higher then the U.S but that can be easily turned around. Just hear me out,

We in the U.S have a much higher populations, and Britain’s Obesity is 28%, or maybe lower, but the U.S is 30% so because of that 2%, we have higher heart disease, and higher obesity related stuff, so that would make the life expectancy just a bit less, like 2% and that’s what it is

2019-07-23 17:40:20 UTC  
2019-07-23 19:22:04 UTC  

life expectancy aside, this is what concerns me most with the american system

2019-07-23 19:22:19 UTC  

"A new study from academic researchers found that 66.5 percent of all bankruptcies were tied to medical issues —either because of high costs for care or time out of work. An estimated 530,000 families turn to bankruptcy each year because of medical issues and bills, the research found."

2019-07-23 19:23:00 UTC  

of course when anything is nationalized it loses efficiency and i wouldnt say the canadian system should be the gold standard or anything but theres surely a happy medium id be content with

2019-07-23 19:23:09 UTC  

some sort of optimization

2019-07-23 19:23:38 UTC  

the american style system will always be most efficient, but it has less of a net impact on the overall health of the population and has detrimental consequences for joe average's pocket

2019-07-24 01:04:17 UTC  

Now could there be a medical Reformation, yes, but universal healthcare is not the way to go, but I do wish we’d find an optimization

2019-07-24 01:05:28 UTC  

Because that statistic terrifies me more then Islamic immigration

2019-07-24 01:05:38 UTC  
2019-07-24 01:06:13 UTC  

But I feel if we can turn the tide to a new way, that makes that statistic a minority and not a majority, I will be happy

2019-07-24 01:06:34 UTC  

A low maybe 30 to 20 percent minority would be my goal

2019-07-24 07:06:34 UTC  

In my personal opinion, the probpem with the British NHS is the way it's run

2019-07-24 07:06:42 UTC  

It is not a matter of not enough money

2019-07-24 07:06:48 UTC  

It is a matter of bad management

2019-07-24 07:07:45 UTC  

Deals with companies which lead to the NHS paying 10 times more than a private company for things like allergy pills and shit

2019-07-24 12:42:21 UTC  

@Deleted User yeah that sounds more reasonable

2019-07-24 12:43:08 UTC  

thats how i feel about the canadian system too (im canadian) but thats the problem youre probably always going to have with nationalized industry

2019-07-24 12:43:15 UTC  

like i said it loses efficiency

2019-07-24 14:20:47 UTC  

NHS is incredibly badly run and probably will never get in proper shape unless it’s semi privatised

2019-07-24 14:48:21 UTC  

@beyond_gravity TFL style?

2019-07-24 14:52:45 UTC  

Yes sir

2019-07-24 15:03:21 UTC  

As long as there's good Air Con, it's 100% better

2019-07-24 15:03:35 UTC  

The fucking buses and tubes are boiling

2019-07-24 15:10:54 UTC

2019-07-25 01:35:21 UTC  

What do you all think about the growing role of geoeconomics and how the US mostly refuses to use or even consider it?

2019-07-25 02:29:34 UTC  

not an argument

2019-07-25 02:29:37 UTC  

it does not grow fast enough

2019-07-25 02:29:41 UTC  

nor does it present an evident danger

2019-07-25 02:33:06 UTC  

Why not? China and Russia for example extend their financial arms more often than their military ones.

2019-07-25 02:33:48 UTC  

China's navy is... lackluster to say the least but the US still considers it a major threat does it not?

2019-07-25 02:36:59 UTC  


2019-07-25 02:37:16 UTC  

They consider China a threat because of its threat to trade partners

2019-07-25 02:37:53 UTC  

South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Philipiness, Taiwan.

2019-07-25 02:38:07 UTC  

China has been fairly self-sufficient

2019-07-25 02:38:26 UTC  

As well

2019-07-25 02:38:33 UTC  

China doesnt preach globalism

2019-07-25 02:38:35 UTC  

It has no need

2019-07-25 02:38:39 UTC  

It preach sinoism instead

2019-07-25 02:39:50 UTC  

What about the one belt one road?