Message from @Pokécord

Discord ID: 604154886682181632

2019-07-26 02:19:04 UTC  

2019-07-26 02:19:25 UTC  

the main reason for free trade is your industries dont have competition anywhere in the world, so you dont need to protect your industries

2019-07-26 02:19:27 UTC  

<@&508200811625447449> can you guys get this pokemon bot out of this chat por favor?

2019-07-26 02:19:49 UTC  

and that was the case for a long time with america actually

2019-07-26 02:19:55 UTC  

but now china is competing

2019-07-26 02:20:11 UTC  

and europe is fully rebuilt

2019-07-26 02:20:18 UTC  

Haven't you heard? We have no power besides mute

2019-07-26 02:20:22 UTC  

So if we were worried about 5G in China and the security risk it proposes, then can we impose tariffs to make it difficult for them to produce that technology?

2019-07-26 02:20:22 UTC  

(although shitty cuz of dumb economic system)

2019-07-26 02:20:32 UTC  

Okay you have power to tell someone who has power. @Darman

2019-07-26 02:20:47 UTC  

well yea you could mandate that america must use local companies for 5g products

2019-07-26 02:20:55 UTC  

but china will still sell to europe

2019-07-26 02:21:10 UTC  

its more that you're doing a good thing for local business

2019-07-26 02:21:15 UTC  

rather than "taking china out"

2019-07-26 02:21:17 UTC  

Mmmmmm. They are already partnering with Europe too to set up 5G towers at a reduced price.

2019-07-26 02:21:22 UTC  


2019-07-26 02:21:23 UTC  

I see

2019-07-26 03:31:32 UTC  


2019-07-26 03:31:32 UTC  

🆙 | **beyond_gravity leveled up!**

2019-07-26 03:35:49 UTC  


2019-07-26 03:35:49 UTC  

Enabled your level up messages.

2019-07-26 03:35:51 UTC  


2019-07-26 03:35:51 UTC  

Disabled your level up messages.

2019-07-26 03:36:02 UTC  

@Shockwave "p!silence"

2019-07-26 03:40:03 UTC  


2019-07-26 03:40:03 UTC  

Disabled your level up messages.

2019-07-26 03:40:13 UTC  

I appreciate it. @beyond_gravity

2019-07-26 10:39:56 UTC  

i love how these low iq doomers whine about trumps economic policies when their economy is doing better by any metric than it has in like 50 years

2019-07-26 10:39:56 UTC  

GG @chuckayy, you just advanced to level 13!

2019-07-26 10:40:23 UTC  

so brainwashed with partisanship they can’t even enjoy the good times

2019-07-26 10:40:25 UTC  


2019-07-26 10:40:54 UTC  

but muh student loans

2019-07-26 10:41:18 UTC  

maybe you shouldn’t have taken gender studies you fuckin cuck

2019-07-26 12:21:12 UTC  

@chuckayy they are ideologues

2019-07-26 12:21:21 UTC  

“Nothing good can ever come from trump”

2019-07-26 13:16:32 UTC  


2019-07-26 13:16:52 UTC  

i dont understand how people live like that

2019-07-26 13:16:59 UTC  

being closed minded only hinders yourself

2019-07-26 13:17:02 UTC  

i prescribe LSD

2019-07-26 13:17:06 UTC  

Trump just needs to stay out of other countries

2019-07-26 13:17:09 UTC  

and only focus on America