Message from @Akashic Wrecker
Discord ID: 408919744889225216
@stellarwick Jews are not "people"
They're "people" like Lizardpeople are "people"
and for those saying im being a crybaby, im still in chat, ill talk to anyone, ive got like 10 ppl attacking me everyday and i stand my ground
What 10 people though?
someone shoop venti into that pic
10 5 whatever
I'm not attacking I'm just listening
multiple people getting butthurt when i say anything about mason or siege
most have been on mmute in their defense
but when i defend ppl like anglin im a horrible person
and havent really talked
except a few of us
like me, NS, vic, vlad mainly i think
im just saying in general, ive got multiple ppl attacking me, i stand my ground, never cuck on my beliefs
i kept ranting about being interrupted
then none of us shall cuck
or else we have to join proud boys
gotta go....there's this cold white stuff on my yard and on my cars
I like Anglin and I like you but it seems like you have a habit of attacking people even when they’re trying to make peace with you
Anglin is a literal nigger
might be
really? @Sammy Woodchipperz
anyone who doesn't like Anglin is ungrateful (i.e., a nigger)
Like multiple times tonight
i didnt start this today. a few people talked about how antifa is better than the alt right, i asked why they believe that, i was called a cuck, told to read siege
im still in chat willing to make peace with anyone
even though im being attacked by everyone
Italian is where it's at