Discord ID: 244283277119193088
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Is Stipe Miocic an undercover /bowlther/?
grinded the life out of that big nigger
yeah and he just did it by the numbers
don't leave it in the woods, you'll never find it again ๐
"I swear to you i left it alone next to that tree for 5 seconds!!! ITS GONE"
I'll shoot that damn dog some day
Talk about a resting bitch face... ๐
Loves to be near the ocean ๐ณ
Holy shit these are depressing. Absolute state of burgerland
She'll be dead by then
She can love them and never play them dontcha know, BIGOT
The middle is dissolving even when it comes to physical fitness, only the extremes will soon exists and they will fight a very short and unfair battle ๐
In a certain BMI range they may be allowed a chance to improve their physical conditioning, this will all be worked in conjunction with the re-education program.
Clearly an adventurer in some very snowy conditions, maybe some doing antarctic exploration
whiteout may sound nice but its a bitch ๐
GG AW...ffs
Mikkelsen was brilliant in it...otherwise...ehhh. The first season's production value and unprecedented audio work makes it worth a watch even if it lost its way later
The ambient stuff in the first season especially if you watch multiple episodes in row with good headphones actually does some evil shit to your brain its relentless
wouldn't surprise me if they employed some mk ultra tier mindfuckery with that
Save the World - Stop burning coal
Are camels /ourbowls/ ?
nigguh its 9am
you'll smoke the laid pipe
best thing about calisthenics: You train at kids playground so you'll always be the biggest guy and no one will give you shit
I'm here to ruin the game
That reminds me i have to eat some tritium ampoules now
The shirt has not one but two very popular nahtzee symbols on it!!!
Dis muvi will prrrruvv we wuz kangz!!!
oy vvey
its probably going to be another nothingburger but the show is hilarious still
like the nigger caucus ever cared about that ๐
fuck yo jobs whitey!!
pick ya'll own cotton n shiiiet
gotta row....maybe my back will like it
he deserved to die just for acting in glee ๐
White women historically have a had a thing for jewish men and that thing was usually MONEY and later on COCAINE
there's plenty of admissions from kikes that they would never have gotten laid with shiksas without coke
nowadays its something they almost brag about
In case you were this shit won't stop with the current actors in play...They have made offspring to insure our destruction.
I just want to chime in on this shit: Any claims on kikes having higher IQ than whites or asians is bullshit, their sample sizes are even below what modern commies consider acceptable. Kikes aren't superior or successful because they are smart, they are just exploitative nepotistic pieces of shit
Kermit with his 15 points above the average meme can fuck off to chinada and die in shame
Fuck all of these old faggots
Dawson and Taylor can both make a pilgrimage to nagasaki and we can nuke that multiculti shithole twice over
weeaboo pieces of shit
Its just such a shit premise, we dumdums must overthrow dem smarties on top durrrr
it works when its nogs but normies will never accept such scenario when it comes to whites
48 hours is usually considered safe limit for muscle loss most benefits of IF are realized in the 24-48hour range
I would generally say that doubling your water consumption durig fasting is minimum
managing your micros becomes more pronounced as well
Ron that's why mentioned micros
you need dem eelektroolytes
macros = carbs protein fat micro= vitamins minerals etc.
you live just fine if you neglect macros but if you ignore micros you will end up in hospital or just die a possibly very shameful death (spazzing out like some retard)
This nigger ignored his micros
look at his hands in certain shots... ๐
99.99999% of people who are at the receiving end of "maybe its you" will never take it seriously, as they aren't capable of such introspection
someone shoop venti into that pic
gotta go....there's this cold white stuff on my yard and on my cars
might be
Wait isn't it like 6AM at burgerland?
are you all on meth? living on havaiji or something?
1 pm here....went to bed 11PM I just can't WOKE anymore, something happened to me at turn of the year...I think i finally became an old fuck
Only took 20 years of sleep deprivation to break me
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