Message from @ZombieQueen
Discord ID: 484475902877630488
@ZombieQueen It's all about ideas really, and ideas need to be thought out, planned, and even tested, testing is important, but dont be obsessive about it. You know that definition of insanity? Repeating the same experiment over and over and over and over and over and over expecting a different outcome? Communism lol, it's an obsession... try other ideas, and you will find more empowering ideas that can do alot more good. it is the beauty of the free market, and freedom in general.
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and all that jazz.. You're completely right though, I think it's good to debate, to entertain new ideas in ways you never really considered, and to have your own views challenged. I just find it fascinating attempting to compile ideas and policies together like puzzle pieces to find a way to create a just and decent government, it's certainly a challenging feat, but it's fun to entertain nonetheless. @Sheamus
@ZombieQueen whats you runderstanding of a government and it's role and responsibilities?
it's not a trick question, it will almost always be different for everyone really
By perfect I mean at least attempting to find a balance between having a prosperous country, economy, decent and ethical policy, etc but also having enough to support\care for the most disadvantaged. Just a they don't have mass die offs and such..the impoverished, etc. @Cal
If anything I like learning about opposite ideologies so I'm knowledgeable when I'm shitting on them
My understanding of government? Imposing Tax on the public to allocate necessary funds in sectors that need the funds the most. That's basically what I think the purpose of a government is..I guess? More specific question maybe? I don't really know how to answer that one sufficiently. Lol @Sheamus
"but also having enough to support\care for the most disadvantaged." Problem with this sentence is that you accept people being disadvantaged, and intend to keep them that way by carrying them... knowledge is something you can give away without losing it, it is the greatest wealth you could posses. But you need to put in effort to gain from it, if you going to carry someones weight, they arent going to put in any effort, therefore you allow them to be disadvantaged then, this is why we dont like welfare, it makes you lazy and dependent and once you are dependent on it, you defend it. But that said, here is another saying: "give a man some fish, and he wont go hungry for today, but teach a man to fish, and he will feed himself for a life time"
@ZombieQueen lol no there is no specific question, you have an opinion or understanding of what it is, I just want to know... How you define things will depend on how you understand these things, and therefore will influence the way you build up the idea around it.
What is one to do if no one will hire someone or is never provided a chance to improve their lives if there is no basic (temporary) provision for them to merely sustain their existence? I completely agree with that proverb to the enth degree, but there are specific circumstances. Not everyone who is on welfare abuses it, or intends to stay on it for the rest of your life..I think one of the limits I'm aware of is 5 years and if you haven't tried to improve your life by then..then they re-evaluate your case and see if you're fucked enough or not to continue being supported. Welfare, Unemployment, and Disability are all different. @Sheamus
State run programmes that teach vocational skills
Afterwards you enter the free market
@ZombieQueen Yeah we call that the exception, not the rule.. when you say "but also having enough to support\care for the most disadvantaged." you are implying the rule...
What about the exceptions then? @Sheamus
Outliers are unfortunate
government is intended to enforce rule of law... if you make the government do these things, they enforce it as the rule of law. Exceptions are what you described, shitty circumstances of which the individual is not responsible for, and can not do anything about it themselves,. Idea is to encourage them though to get out of those circumstances, with incentives and moral support as well as equipping them with the knowledge so that all they need to do is literally put in the fucking effort and they will succeed if they keep true to the knowledge they are provided with.
Hence why I brought up vocational programs. Once you've got those skills you're a marketable asset. You are an asset and you use this to your advantage in a free market
Thing about that is access to reliable transportation which many do not have. How do we remedy that? How do we get those outliers uplifted and on the road to independence and gainful employment? What sort of programs? Or do we rely solely on charity? Or? I'm asking for examples, solutions, etc for those in those circumstances. @Cal
I am off and calling it a night, cheers
My idea is that we give to the state so the state can give back to us.
I'm talking about trades. The government can set aside tax from the coffers each year to subsidize a state run trade program to teach things like, electrical work, plumbing, welding etc. The type of jobs a country like ours needs.
Public transportation does require a huge reform though. It's too bloated and unwieldy, too many spaces for money to be lost
Personal tax - no, I would be willing to pay VAT on everything at a higher rate, that way everyone pays tax, the Government can put a higher tax on luxury goods such as cars over R1m etc. It would also be easier for government to control as they only need to police the businesses.
Public transportation is 100% non existent where I live, so the people who didn't have a way to the training would be fucked anyway. Simply wouldn't be able to get there. But, I do agree that vocational training is great!! Not enough accessible training here unfortunately though, so they go under-utilized. @Cal
@ZombieQueen Value Added Tax
Thank you. @JJ
Sorry I was commenting on a post about 50 comments back 😂
No problem! I understood the context. I'm just eating, so I will give a better reply momentarily. ^.^
Bed time for me, enjoy your meal
Thank you! Nini sleep well.
the US was working well without personal tax before the war
it was a temporary measure which was to be removed later
so i would agree some taxation is needed, but the amount of tax and the waste in goverment is not the right mix. problem is, we cannot put the mandjie back in the cage. what's done is done
a solution would be for us to go out in the communities and be more active. less playstation and keyboard wars .... if we are closer to the politicians, then we could keep them more accountable. it is a necessary evil, but by being more pro-active we can minimise the detah spiral .... in my humble opinion
Income tax isn't the only thing that the war won. It also won the globalists the right to control the movement of people across country borders.