Message from @Nidalap Rorrim
Discord ID: 495271109579505694
My life has no merrit
amazing how these groups can spring up out of concern for our countrymen and truth and our challenges up ahead - and we get painted as the diabolical haters.
To it
@Nogals try resetting your voice settings
Go to app settings – Voice & Video
Scroll down to the bottom
Click the reset voice settings button that is in red text
So, is this going to basically be a voice chat text response channel that gets purged daily? Or?
it was a quick channel i made for them to discuss communism and capitalism, but it seems the conversation wasnt that important because it stopped once i told then to spam they convo on another channel
Should have kept the conspiracy group, so much of what popped up there were conspiracies lol
Low and behold! I'm under attack for promoting a racist show. The man in the middle is wearing black makeup and that's racist. The stupid mother fucker doesn't realize that it's a dark picture and it's green makeup! I didn't respond. I just blocked the idiot. The racism is in their minds. They look for racism and they find it even though it's not there. The IQ is too low. Anything you say to them will be racist but more to the point, it will be too advanced for them to understand. SMFH
Offense is taken bud, they look for something to take offense to.
@Sheamus they are not happy unless they have something to bitch about
Even then they aren't happy...
Are we truly free ? We basically belong to china and some foreign government is threatening our democracy by supporting literal socialist parties and the icing on the cake is the only organisation the helps non-BEE parties just happens to represent farmers .We need an organisation for all that opposes socialism and is not stuck in the past .
define stuck in the past? I mean history is important and should not be forgotten or changed, so are you stuck in the past if you have to defend factual history?
Stuck in the past :Forwarding one continues view that only affects a small portion of the minority .I'm not saying that what they are doing is not important all I am saying is that for a organisation that has so much reach , Most of their concerns has to do with agricultural organisations or individual farmers.I agree with you that the past is important and once we ignore it we make mistakes but at the current moment we need a voice and they can be that voice because let's face it the only time ordinary citizens have power is when they vote or when they have money.
anybody have knowledge on this topic? seems fitting for conspiracy central?
well it was bound to come down to this really, it's the jews at the centre of it all lol
Me Jewboy laughing in the corner
Discord is being weird about pics and stuff uploaded straight from my device. 😑