Message from @Sheamus
Discord ID: 523567828369014790
Somethings gotta give sooner or later.
I hope BLF gets banned by IEC.
@Meerkat_RSA I think that’s wishful thinking unfortunately.
@Jays they got a warning last time. So might be a step in the right direction
Out of interest, does anyone know what it might potentially cost if - for arguments sake - a bunch of us teamed up and approached court on our own?
Afriforum is already doing the job
I hear you, just trying to get a feel for these things...
@Jays But. That's a criminal offence, yes? Then again to charge tens of thousands of people is nigh impossible; I get what you're saying.
Just thinking out loud (haven't thought it through): could we continue paying whatever tax we owe, not to SARS, but to - for example - an attorney's trust account?
@RobVZ exactly. I think you could make a case out of it. At the very least for some period of time and have it challenged in a court. In the meanwhile, the govt catches a bit of a wake up call.
@Jays Read the article. Somewhere in my brain I kinda knew this sort of thing, but to see the figures! Thank you for rescuing me from under my rock.
Ian Williams Goddard: A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it’s going to get.
Jesus that tweet got me pissed off
@WuldGoGayForLauren Mine?
@WuldGoGayForLauren Oh right... phew... I just joined up here...
@WuldGoGayForLauren terrorism: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
You should be pissed off that they are legitimately still recognized as a legit party and not terrorists. We all should be, but it seems objective definitions are recognized, must be a racist definition or something.
Then again, the ANC is guilty for this as well, so they wont concede to this fact at all...
That interview with Ernst was funny though, i actually laughed quite alot at it.
Lol. Lindsay Maasderp causing problems again. His downfall is going to be especially sweet to watch.
@Sheamus I kept wondering how Ernst (aka Ernest) kept it together. As my music teacher once said "Ag man, I sommer give you a clap".
Do you guys think we really went to the moon
@Crazy Jern I hope so. Give me a few minutes to make a list of people who can go, and stay
Earth is full.
No the earth is flat
@RobVZ Simple really, he doesnt allow his feelings to dictate his reasoning or behavior, instead he reasons with his feelings, it's a sign of exceptional self mastery. there is a few biblical verses on this too, the most well known is that from the book of Jeremia 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? To know it is to master it 😉
hmm I don't get these Willem memes?
just having fun with his face
@CaZz gonna dm you some good ones
sounds good
@Sheamus I take your point - obviously, yes. Perhaps I'm not expressing myself clearly enough. Still new at Discord and such - work in progress to find my style. I would add that it's also a mark of intelligence. Contrast with someone like Ben Shapiro, for example.
Although I'm not a Christian, that quote rings true.
It might be true that I react badly to the way that the interviewer pretty much attacked Ernst. Call it being intolerant to intolerance, for want of a better description. Will have to work on it.
The earth is a 🍩