Message from @Swedish Chef
Discord ID: 415613128806760449
@Vlozin wanna use mine?
@CarlaVegas sure why not
Was just gonna make a funny roastie meme
Thoughts? It took me way longer than it should have to make both of these.
witch from hell
hey all, i started this meme after finding out Podesta worked at a pig Farm in VA while going to Georgetown, the pic below the meme is a scupture found in his home. i don't have time to roll it all together, but i know one of you can and will do a fantastic job!
Which meme?
The above pictures of the podesta art and all.. it’s a solid idea. Just need some fine photoshop..
@everyone can someone with a gun take it apart for cleaning and send me the pic? I'm trying to use it for my psy-op and I don't want it to come up on a reverse image search! Thanks
Google stripped down guns buddy
fodder: this is a content-rich twitter thread that unravels #BrowardCounty [florida/corruption/juvie crime] P L E A S E R E A D
;twitter trends
;twitter trends
`Error in command 'tweets trends'. Check your console or logs for details.`
@POTUS, I saw the killing, the death from #war, #poisons in our #air, #water, #food, #vaccinations and more, I have traced it all to our #Government. #TheyPassedTheBillsToTheirImplement, and they all points to the #Cabal and their lining the pockets of those who help us fall!