Message from @cub
Discord ID: 416664421037899786
witch from hell
hey all, i started this meme after finding out Podesta worked at a pig Farm in VA while going to Georgetown, the pic below the meme is a scupture found in his home. i don't have time to roll it all together, but i know one of you can and will do a fantastic job!
Who wants to give this golden meme a try @here
Which meme?
The above pictures of the podesta art and all.. it’s a solid idea. Just need some fine photoshop..
@everyone can someone with a gun take it apart for cleaning and send me the pic? I'm trying to use it for my psy-op and I don't want it to come up on a reverse image search! Thanks
Google stripped down guns buddy
fodder: this is a content-rich twitter thread that unravels #BrowardCounty [florida/corruption/juvie crime] P L E A S E R E A D
;twitter trends
;twitter trends
`Error in command 'tweets trends'. Check your console or logs for details.`
@POTUS, I saw the killing, the death from #war, #poisons in our #air, #water, #food, #vaccinations and more, I have traced it all to our #Government. #TheyPassedTheBillsToTheirImplement, and they all points to the #Cabal and their lining the pockets of those who help us fall!
Well played @Q Tip22 if there is any channels you would like to see that aren’t there let me know.. we try to drop the memes in corresponding channels however some meme just don’t fit.. lmfao calm your tuts 😉
Lol thank for the q-tip you guys are great...