Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 438662026903158784

2018-04-25 06:25:00 UTC  

It's a PDF copy of a book

2018-04-25 06:25:00 UTC  

My argument is that IQ among the races is mostly genetic like it is between the sexs. If you have some stuff that shows otherwise I would like to see it.

2018-04-25 06:25:35 UTC  

Yes it's a book that makes my case.

2018-04-25 06:25:52 UTC  

Only in part.

2018-04-25 06:25:59 UTC  

That is?

2018-04-25 06:28:58 UTC  

I haven't fully read the book, but these two authors disagree (at worst) on something vital, here

2018-04-25 06:33:08 UTC  

bleh. I can't be bothered to argue this tonight. I've got work in the morning and stuff to do. :/

2018-04-25 06:35:08 UTC  

Heaven forbid you break out the Nuremberg laws chart again. lul.

2018-04-25 08:13:37 UTC  

Good one. I hope to talk to you again some other time.

2018-04-25 09:38:53 UTC  

statistically i'm gonna join Aussie on the race : IQ thing

but primarily due to the Flynn Effect,
in which proper nurtition and education generates a smarter generation to teach the new generation, causing the IQ of the population to increase,

And with places like Africa being shitty, they wont have the same level of nutrition and education, so they fall behind

give a few generations in the same type of environment and that gap disappears

2018-04-25 11:06:36 UTC

2018-04-25 11:13:42 UTC  

>when you fail to realize that in the previous two, then went to aid and fight along side the people who call them heroes, and in the last they are actively fighting to kill those people

2018-04-25 11:16:25 UTC  

You know, hitlar and Stalin had a working relationship until hiltar pissed him off. People generally stop referring to you as friend or partner when you start attacking them

2018-04-25 11:18:50 UTC  

>When you don't know about the American colonization society was a thing (an organization that helped blacks move back to Africa that had many famous members like James Monroe) and about the transfer agreement of 1933 between Germany and zionists to move jews to Palestine now Israel.

2018-04-25 11:20:14 UTC  

Also, your argument on IQ? Is general. If IQ being low is bad, then you should be wanting to kick out everyone below a certain level. If you just go "kick out all groups of people who's average is below x", you kick out people who are above that point while keeping people below that point.

2018-04-25 11:21:53 UTC  

If someone is planning to invade you I think it's a good idea to attack them first which is what Hitler did. Stalin planned on Invading Germany if you don't believe me look up operation thunderstorm.

2018-04-25 11:24:50 UTC  

With regards to IQ that is ridiculous whites have an average IQ of 100 which is a pretty good level and we can raise it with eugenic policies like encouraging smart people to bread, no need for jew or asians.

2018-04-25 11:25:19 UTC  

Ah, eugenics. Don't want to be allowed to have a child do you?

2018-04-25 11:26:17 UTC  

We don't have to go that far we can just give incentives to smart people to bread. Over time that alone will increase the average IQ level, it all depends on how fast we want to do that and what society will except.

2018-04-25 11:28:54 UTC  

Hmmm, and who gets to control this? And who is a smart person?

2018-04-25 11:30:18 UTC  

Because I gotta tell you, I know some pretty smart people who, the moment they haven't read it in a book, are real fucking dump.

2018-04-25 11:30:29 UTC  

The goverment can give loans to people of a certain IQ and the more children they have the less they have to pay back like National Socialist Germany.

2018-04-25 11:31:13 UTC  

IQ is the measurement of intelligence.

2018-04-25 11:31:45 UTC  

Oh, so you want to give democrates the power to encourage black people, your apparently personal enemy, to breed?

2018-04-25 11:32:08 UTC  

If you mean alot of people are doing badly in the society yes I would agree with you there/

2018-04-25 11:33:13 UTC  

I know a lot of white people who are doing pretty badly in society too. We getting rid of them too? Or are you just changing the color palette of the criminals?

2018-04-25 11:33:50 UTC  

I know plenty of blacks who contribute to society way more than you are. So why should we keep you or me over them?

2018-04-25 11:34:34 UTC  

You know blacks have a lower average IQ then whites right? I want to encourage non whites to return to their homelands like blacks in Africa and Asians in Asia.

2018-04-25 11:35:04 UTC  

You know that if that statistic is true, it only holds true as an average.

2018-04-25 11:35:17 UTC  

Yes blacks can contrubute to a sociey and they can do that in black couuntires.

2018-04-25 11:36:55 UTC  

Oh what's that? You mean you are perfectly fine shipping a genius somewhere else and let that country florish just because you don't like the color of his skin?

2018-04-25 11:37:48 UTC  

Turns out that people of the same IQ level, preform the same in their fields.

2018-04-25 11:39:40 UTC  

I know it's an average but we are dealing with millions of people so why should I consider one person out of Millions? Anyway why do you think you have the right to have the best of other races? Do you think shithole countires will ever improve if we just keep taking their best that we don't even need?

2018-04-25 11:40:06 UTC  

Race is more than skin color mate. I don't care if they are preform on the same or higher level than whites they aren't us so they don't belong in our countires just like I don't belong in a black or Asian country.

2018-04-25 11:44:22 UTC  

So then you most of America should move back to Europe? Because most of us don't have a genetic history here, so we don't belong here.

2018-04-25 11:45:09 UTC  

How far back you need to go to determine where someone came from?

2018-04-25 11:45:20 UTC  

America is a white concept aka a country built by whites for whites so yes they have a legitimate claim.

2018-04-25 11:47:33 UTC  

so how far back do you need to go to be white? How much dirty blood before you are not worthy of being white?

2018-04-25 11:49:07 UTC  

It's not about going back it's about western countires aka white countires are white countires so non-whites should leave. Let me ask you this, do you think the Chinese should leave Tabet?