Message from @RanStairs
Discord ID: 445438008427151364
Algorithms gone wrong it seems like.
algorithms gone wrong gone sexual 2018 gun pulled?
Probably the G-U-N , Algorithm might think it's a spelling Vid
yeah that makes sense
the views all in the millions, one being 1.4B
Tims cracked the code, he's gonna get a lot on this vid. School approved <:Rightwingdeathsquad:379808553344696321>
_those recommendations_
this is the only channel can post images in but yall need to see this. Check out the bottom comment.
oh I didn't even look at the most recent post in here
yeah WHAT is going on
Oh didnt realise other people saw it
I got the scoop.
It actually looked like the algorithm shifted in real time.
Bizzare as all hell. at first it wouldn't load anything, like it was sandboxed
Then came the children's cartoons.
like, what the fuck.
The nursery rhyme videos are gone now on my end.
Oh yes! Eggs on toast good sir! Nothing like stripping for children, yes?
Finger family? Oh finger MY family actually
I would just like to say: I have no problem with jews. But Israel really shouldn't be in the Eurovision Song Contest...
I have a problem with Jews, but not just Jews. Jews specifically with their victim mentality. Muslims with their corruption of their leaders of their sections of Islam and its failure to confront their extremists. Christianity with its near social justice mentality and zealous ideas of theocracy
Agreed, there.
I'd argue though, that a lot of the Jews who have a victimhood mentality to them
are the secularized ones.
I'll give them that
For instance, the entire point of Passover is to acknowledge that they were once slaves, and are now free.
They remind themselves that they were slaves, but they give thanks for every step that led to their freedom.
I think Jews are pretty good at separating it's religion and the state
That's actually a pretty strong perspective, in my opinion.
Well, they're better from its children like Christianity and Islam.
Christianity has it's own entirely different problems.
Christianity, as we know it, is a convenient derivative of a convenient derivative, of a convenient derivative
of a religion that was bastardized politically by fact finding missions with death as the consequence of failure.
Everything north of Constantine is fucked.
Jesus, if you think about, Christianity is pretty much the child that ran too far from and just stayed somewhere it wasn't native to
Jesus famously celebrated Passover, for literal Christ Sake...
I actually have a strange respect for Jesus