Message from @LEER
Discord ID: 456872377545129985
Remember what Sargon said. If he gets a hair on his head hurt, the state is gonna get it.
And it won't be just a bunch of hooligans either.
think about the crowds who have been out to support him. then it comes out he is injured or even killed. He would become a martyr. It would fuel those who are actually racist and increase pressure from people who don't even like him and think his current imprisonment is bullshit. It would probably be the single dumbest move a politician could make.
Let them fight
Sargon vs Warski in Arc
Couldn't you compare the transgender children debate to children/teens who want plastic surgery?
Also why wouldn't the parents want their child to be cisgender or at least be really sure about the whole thing? Being trans sucks, you can't have children, you will be dependent on medication for the rest of your life, you forfeit some of the functionality of the natural grown sexual organs and then there is of course the stigma.
lol i doubt this is true but its funny
@LEER they are trying to fight the stigma by trying to treat this as normal as someone being gay. And blame stuff like the suicide rate as being caused by bullying alone, hence the whole "speech is violence" aspect of things around such topics. And since they want to rewrite science, the rest of what you just said is clearly transphobic
@zero_consequences That was confirmed absolute bullshit.
lmao ok
That is contradictory. If you experience no distress over your gender, you don't experience gender dysphoria so it is debatable whether you should irreversably change your body. And I wouldn't wish gender dysphoria upon any person, so I will be hoping that it is just a phase, because there ARE indeed people for whom it is a phase.
in the minds of these people, a boy wanting to wear a dress means he doesn't like having a penis.
because they are more afraid of being wrong that it is just a phase then they are of irreversibly damaging their kid... because to call it "just a phase", in their mind, is irreversibly damaging.
these parents have been whipped up into such a frenzy of fear.
We're experience reverse Mulanism. Our culture favors girls, so boys want to be girls.
They get more attention and millenials are fucking starved for it.
and society has moved away from a parenting as a duty to prepare your child to live on their own in the world towards protecting our kids from the world.
look at how over time the age to do things has been raising
smoking, drinking, soon to buy a firearm
an effort to keep people perpetually as children.
and when their child finally gets big enough that they have no choice but to let them out in the world, they turn to the state to keep treating them as children and replace their roll as a parent.
I am quite unsure how this relates to the transgender children debate
as a transperson who hasent even started yet, no i dont wish i started sooner. if trans people value phyical apperence so much they are willing to threaten the development of children for aesthetics, even being the children themselves who dont know the value of their growing up actually has on them yet, then i find that to be a very big problem. im personally against vanity, while i do have a value for aesthetics because that is part of my reasons for wanting to look a different way (not to metnion all the gender norms you get with looking a different way (which people are destroying ironicly while supporting trans)) i dont hold it higher than the life i experinced before my neural structure fully developted between the ages of 18 and 25. if you fuck with that stuff its going to have an effect we CANNOT fully predict yet and it doesent matter what you feel regardless of your age, adults who allow children to fuck with that even concentually is child abuse. at best even if we fully understood it, it would be neurological engineering which is fucking unethical AF
neurological engineering was made up by the cis-patriarchy
isn't being trans also made up by the cis-patriarchy? 😛
I deliberately chose the word 'most'. There will always be the transpeople who feel like their suffering is too much and who don't care about something like this.
Is it safe?
Whoa, I just subscribed to Desi-Rae Thinking on Youtube, and a recommended list of channels to subscribe to popped up
So, I just thought of something. Why should Blackface be condemned, when Drag Queens are celebrated?
can't remember where it happened but I recall Drag being banned from some event over fear it may offend trans people
because black people are scarier than women obviously