Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 458992819466403842
Well they had the berlin wall
The black shorts and the red shorts as well
the red shoes too
Lol, even my parents knew never to bring kids to a protest
Where has common decency gone
when have communists or communist adjacent ideologies ever been decent?
I'm fine with kids going to protests as long as they know what they're there for
Like the kids in the free Assange protests
When they old enough
Like Im not taking them
Actually it would be, only protests I myself am not going to.
Or protests they are going to "cause all their friends will be there"
they go to protests to skip out on school
Id say, the kind of person who listens to the rehearsed ramblings of a child is not the brightest of individuals
you can listen, but question their comments like you would any other person. Do not dismiss a childs comments just because they are a child. but do not take them as holy just because they are from a child
There are some children who are really good at speaking, like Kyle Kashuv. But everyone must be taken with a mound of salt
Also this is off topic, there a big fire close to where I am rn and I'm scared lol
Got a Pew research quiz for you fine gentlemen.
Be sure to post your results! First time only, no cheating.
I got 5 out of 5 opinion ones correct but 1 out of 5 fact ones correct.
I don’t like following the official narrative.
5/5, 5/5: It doesn't matter if I believe the facts or opinions are true, but anything value based is opinion and anything fact based has defined ways of measuring
Exactly. It's not about whether the sample is true or false
But whether or not it's factually provable or disprovable.
So I’m that case I would have gotten 5/5 for both.
Kind of messed up their poll. Feel bad now.