Message from @Khanclansith
Discord ID: 477557171974963211
"But dawwwwwwggg. C'mmaaaaaaan."
Last to memes :lmao 😂
@scaryred24 Haha that java one tho.
sounds like a study that would come out of my state
no joke, they spent a stupid amount of time and money to do a study to find out "the lines at the dmv are too long"
Have you ever read the Duffleblog? It is the Onion of Military news
i know, it was a dig at my state
i was implying that my state is so ineptly run, it has news headlines that sound like onion articles
they spent transportation money to build a bus line that went to literally no-where....and it cut through a cemetery to get there.
meanwhile roads still need re-paving and they have no money
Why did I have the damned feeling that this was coming, that the Media were going to start seeing themselves in line with Veterans?
They did that with the ICE vet who had a tattoo.
Like I said, "Can't get away with calling all US Vets NAZIs (yet)"
Is Tim pool even really a pool
we demand the truth!
Well, shit
hungary will be the first to be forcibly taken over by the EU now
I am still thinking the EU would send "Peace Keepers" to "Liberate" the UK from "BREXIT NAZIS"
I love how unaware I was as a boi.
Of the source material this was referencing.
I saw that one too
Hungary got mega red pilled lol
ONLY 3 milllion?