Message from @Scribblehatch
Discord ID: 477566177363886091
i was implying that my state is so ineptly run, it has news headlines that sound like onion articles
they spent transportation money to build a bus line that went to literally no-where....and it cut through a cemetery to get there.
meanwhile roads still need re-paving and they have no money
Why did I have the damned feeling that this was coming, that the Media were going to start seeing themselves in line with Veterans?
Because they are narcisits and can't get away will calling all US Vets NAZIs (yet).
They did that with the ICE vet who had a tattoo.
Like I said, "Can't get away with calling all US Vets NAZIs (yet)"
Is Tim pool even really a pool
we demand the truth!
Well, shit
hungary will be the first to be forcibly taken over by the EU now
I am still thinking the EU would send "Peace Keepers" to "Liberate" the UK from "BREXIT NAZIS"
I love how unaware I was as a boi.
Of the source material this was referencing.
I saw that one too
Hungary got mega red pilled lol
ONLY 3 milllion?
Tomahawk Missiles cost 1.4 mill each
it's the 10 year anniversary
tbh this seems even more condescending than the original
Nothing can dethrone the emperor of condescending tho
The taste was TO DIE FOR