Message from @BirdyThePhoenix (Nageki Chizuru)
Discord ID: 468176579000795146
hes probably gonna lose that lawsuit tho. i'd rather have an asian or a jew
Like a shih tzu or shiba inu?
A Tsaiberg
It's literally because of racism that the black man was helpless to begin with. To consider depicting racism and how it harms the vulnerable to be racist is just retarded.
```The question isn’t as simple as whether or not the book is racist either by intention or accident. It is about the true nature of Atticus Finch who is indeed a racist; patronizing and dismissive towards the black people in his community he does his job based on his naive belief in the majesty of the law and the inevitability of justice. He is more than willing to accept the mantle of heroism but his attitude towards his black fellow citizens is hardly noble.```
What the actual fuck man
How is atticus racist
he literally treats everyone the same
by this logic, all SJW's are racist cuz they wanna help the poor helpless blacks 😉
full circle?
well to be fair, they are racist
not because they want to help the poor helpless blacks, but because they think so little of minorities while simultaneously hating white people
i know why, but would they connect this link?
My memory of the book is kind of off... wasn't he temporarily vilified for defending Tom Robinson?
It seems like that was one of the points, that Atticus Finch defended Tom Robinson despite it NOT being the popular thing to do.
To say that he was grasping for the mantle of hero is ridiculous. He was pretty sure the case was lost when he took it, and still tried his hardest to defend him, because it was the right thing to do.
i never read the book even though i very specifically had to for school
what the fuck
“Atticus Finch who is indeed a racist”
I can’t even.
its not logic, its mental gymnastics
big difference
What _isn’t_ “racist” in this day and age
Don’t want to help black people? racist
but somehow wanting to help them is racist too?
being racist in the name of getting free stuff with your fellow non-racists
that makes you not racist
the term racist barely means anything anymore
the term racist just means "you don't agree with me or give me free stuff"
at this point racist means "not communist" so i just take it as a compliment
I can practically see rosa parks rolling in her grave right now
what about MLK?
him too
not sure why rosa parks came to mind first haha
Poor MLK
really, any civil rights activist from back then
The black family unit used to be strong, and I heard of those black churches with kickass choirs.
Now what we got now? Ghetto niggers whi shoot up and shoot each other.
Not all of course, but well, the high rate of singlemotherhood isnt helping.
And damn you see how successful black men are treated by the far left?
it was never about them,
The far left are all just people who want free stuff, cuz they feel they're entitled to it