Message from @Dr.Wol

Discord ID: 472770284248629269

2018-07-28 00:48:38 UTC  

I mean in the sense that some people get seasonal depression because we're up north, sure

2018-07-28 00:48:46 UTC  

It rains a decent amount here but not all the time

2018-07-28 00:49:14 UTC  

I think it's more from the fact that in the winter it gets dark real early than anything else

2018-07-28 00:51:37 UTC  

I actually like the rain, and if I didn't I'd just move somewhere cheaper

2018-07-28 03:46:32 UTC  

Last night Tim mentioned that Dan Harmon had got caught saying the n word in a very inappropriate context.

Has anyone heard anything on the matter since? It's been complete silence on the matter from what I can tell.

2018-07-28 03:53:26 UTC  

RIP Rick and Morty

2018-07-28 03:55:39 UTC  

I got this weird feeling the media has just collectively decided to go silent. I had a hunch that Harmon would survive, I didn't think it would be because the media just decided to collectively ignore the issue, even on a slow news day.

2018-07-28 03:57:58 UTC  

Wierd youd think they would be harsher on south park now as well

2018-07-28 03:58:07 UTC  

RIP and Morty

2018-07-28 03:58:59 UTC  

@GingaBomber hadn't thought of that. I guess Southpark is just accepted as being offensive. I also just haven't heard that much about it at all anymore.

2018-07-28 04:24:53 UTC  

South Park isn't in their corner, so they can't do shit

2018-07-28 04:24:55 UTC  

There are a couple articles out there on Harmon

2018-07-28 04:25:04 UTC  

It makes money and the creators are good boy righties

2018-07-28 05:11:27 UTC  

Looks like movie pass model didn't quite work.

2018-07-28 10:38:29 UTC  

oh yes, lets hear about charity from the institute that spends more on the content of their temples than i do in my life

2018-07-28 12:03:27 UTC  

I'm pretty sure Salvini doesn't give a shit

2018-07-28 12:31:02 UTC  

I hope not, but he's italian, so god has a lot of sway

2018-07-28 12:34:59 UTC  

While a significant portion of Italians are Roman Catholic, I don't know how religious Salvini is

2018-07-28 12:35:29 UTC  

I think a lot of Italians agree with his actions anyway

2018-07-28 14:20:19 UTC  

🤢 🔫

2018-07-28 14:49:39 UTC  


2018-07-28 15:40:03 UTC  

Because Disney *needed* to be bigger than it already was

2018-07-28 15:41:37 UTC  

Scott Galloway predicted Disney would grow to the point that they would be able to compete with Amazon and Google

2018-07-28 15:48:35 UTC  

Disney is in a completely different market from Amazon and Google, though

2018-07-28 15:51:47 UTC  
2018-07-28 15:52:10 UTC  

Maybe I was wrong about Google but Disney is going to be huge

2018-07-28 16:17:58 UTC  

Disney wanted the rest of the marvel IP back, so rather than buy the IP that the company was not going to sell, they bought the company.

2018-07-28 16:50:04 UTC  

I don't think Disney will go much further beyond entertainment and media

2018-07-28 16:59:52 UTC  

I dont think the united fruit corporation will go much further beyond production and distribution

2018-07-28 17:15:19 UTC  

Was listening to some Hitchens talk on religion and stumbled upon this debate in the recommended. Posting this because I found it interesting in a way (even tho the arguments are basically the same even today), mainly because of some of their statements in relation to current day.

2018-07-28 17:38:28 UTC  

@Blackhawk342 get that fallacy outa my face

2018-07-28 22:03:45 UTC  

Can someone take a look at this article and tell me if it seems weird to them?

2018-07-28 22:06:20 UTC  

well... what is the relevance of his brother?

2018-07-28 22:07:14 UTC  

"All of which raises the possibility of current stubbornly low birth rates being on the verge of a rise, away from the economically and culturally divided low-birth-rate society described in Charles Murray’s “Coming Apart,” and toward something suggested by Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again.”'

2018-07-28 22:23:39 UTC  

@I AM ERROR it just seems really, really odd to me. 1. a mass shooter, which is weird to begin with in Canada. 2. his brother is in a coma from a drug overdose. 3. the guy who his brother was released on bail to has a bazillion gun charges and owns a property where an industrial amount of fentanyl analog was found.

2018-07-28 22:24:28 UTC  

that's a lot of really odd shit that is very closely connected.

2018-07-28 22:24:55 UTC  

there's two degrees of separation between a mass shooter and a drug dealing gun trafficker.

2018-07-28 22:30:51 UTC  

sure, but i would see more... evidence...(?) than just them being brothers to make something out of it.