Message from @RyeNorth
Discord ID: 478061906750472197
Shit, we’ve been infiltrated. Take cover boys!
That's why you don't jump on a movement created by Hollywood
Hollywood think it's smarter than it actually is
this gonna trigger bunch from all sides for different reasons
Not triggered by Armin's video at all.
Rather glad he could actually say that and not get arrested and/or ackbar'd
As for Kyle, I get what he's saying, but he lost me at 'current year'.
i think he meant it differently but it comes off cringey
I mean, who the hell still makes current year arguments in 2018?
Canada's PM
I, uh... did you miss that I... nevermind.
no i got it
current year current year
>using "current year" in current year
and I missed it.
you vanished from reality for 24h?
also what's special about 8102018?
oh it's itself backwards i just got it
I could've made a wish at 11:11.
Its the current MONTH
tbh if i went to UVA while this was happening and anyone i knew did black bloc id give them so much shit
lol @ sign "good night white pride" with only "white" people in the group holding it 😂
tim needs to know what really went on in charlottesville
it would be great if he cut through the propaganda bullshit there like he investigated sweden, eh?
Allah is gay...unless Islam is not at all tolerant of the LGBT movement and executes them 🤔
i take "things that get you in trouble if you talk about them" for 400.
@sevvierose thats funny as fuck antifa going violent on themselves
Watch the media find some way to praise them and say the unite the right were secretly dressed as cops many of whom were not white
what an exciting world we live in