Message from @Dan V
Discord ID: 478005075000819720
summerize it in a sentance
They white
which is okay
to be
is that a non-transparent version of the "transparency" texture
it is
that deeply upsets me.
It runs through history and forgotten facts, and logically explains why the far left believe what they do
“ Trump and Sessions never has a plan-Except cruelty “ by Charles P. Pierce
Hysterical article claims that Trump and Sessions are racist against “ anyone browner then himself “ because an illegal alien got deported. Whomp whomp.
Here the article Tim did today
“ Study: 24 million white Americans think like the Alt-Right “ by Zack Beauchamp on Vox
Vox makes the absurd claim that 24 million people think like the Alt-Right. All you needed to qualify for being what Vox has described as literal Nazis in past articles, are these three things. 1. A strong sense of white identity 2. A belief in the importance of white solidarity 3. A sense of white victimization. How many none whites think like this? Are they Alt-Right too?
P.S the study actually says 11 million, so Vox is fake news.
Who could have possibly foreseen this besides everyone?
What do you mean no one wants to be around me when at any moment I could accuse them of something horrible and completely ruin their lives?
Shit, we’ve been infiltrated. Take cover boys!
Hollywood think it's smarter than it actually is
this gonna trigger bunch from all sides for different reasons
Not triggered by Armin's video at all.
Rather glad he could actually say that and not get arrested and/or ackbar'd
As for Kyle, I get what he's saying, but he lost me at 'current year'.
i think he meant it differently but it comes off cringey
I mean, who the hell still makes current year arguments in 2018?
Canada's PM
I, uh... did you miss that I... nevermind.
no i got it
current year current year
>using "current year" in current year
Oh shit yesterday was 8102018
and I missed it.
you vanished from reality for 24h?