Message from @pratel

Discord ID: 514331175385432086

2018-11-20 05:53:32 UTC  

it is a microsoft system

2018-11-20 05:53:42 UTC  

for her personal email

2018-11-20 05:53:49 UTC  

yeah it said that in the article

2018-11-20 05:54:03 UTC  

i'm assuming its the buisness level services though

2018-11-20 05:54:15 UTC  

i'm not sure if they offer custom domains to regular consumers?

2018-11-20 05:54:16 UTC  

It'd have to be

2018-11-20 05:54:44 UTC  

otherwise there would be no encryption level services. Besides getting emails is pretty secure. Sending them on the otherhand is not.

2018-11-20 05:55:00 UTC  


2018-11-20 05:55:23 UTC  

i'd still trust microsofts services to actually be secure.

2018-11-20 05:55:32 UTC  

unless they've put backdoors in for the nsa :/

2018-11-20 05:56:41 UTC  

I don't think any company would put backdoors... if it ever leaked that they did, they would lose trust

2018-11-20 05:57:06 UTC  

eh true, nsa puts the backdoors in for you without you knowing

2018-11-20 06:25:03 UTC  

the more extremists get outed the better

2018-11-20 06:30:42 UTC  

They *are* an extremist group with *ties* to white nationalists.
That doesn't mean they are a group of white nationalists.

2018-11-20 06:34:58 UTC  

Also, if you look at the actual source, which i just did.
Its a document from WA state that *says* that the FBI says that.
Second hand information. Whether or not the FBI actually does or not is actually undetermined afaict

2018-11-20 06:42:32 UTC  

oh wait

2018-11-20 06:42:59 UTC  

thinking about it the FBI also branded juggalos as dangerous people but i don't think that went anywhere

2018-11-20 06:43:44 UTC  

juggalos are only dangerous to the nation's meth supply

2018-11-20 06:44:12 UTC  

are they even still around

2018-11-20 06:52:54 UTC  

the left encourages domestic terrorism

2018-11-20 06:53:18 UTC  

i would say domestic violence but that has a whole different usage

2018-11-20 06:54:55 UTC  

I'm sure they do encourage domestic violence as long as its against the correct targets.

2018-11-20 06:59:30 UTC  

i'd say the left encourages *civil* unrest.

2018-11-20 07:01:33 UTC  

not that terrorism is wrong, just people seem to interperate "terrorism" differently

2018-11-20 15:38:44 UTC  

They talk about "Washington Law Enforcement" but it's really just a county sheriff office. I'm from Clark County, WA. They're not exactly "in the know" so this may have been an assumption.

2018-11-20 17:17:56 UTC  

As if there was any question that "Green" movements are nothing more than anti-human movements, they already want to save mars

2018-11-20 17:19:35 UTC  

(to be fair, it's not nearly as bad an article as that. But it is gizmodo)

2018-11-20 17:21:03 UTC  

There's a viable argument to be made that we're actually all Martians

2018-11-20 17:21:11 UTC  


2018-11-20 17:21:30 UTC  

My point here is to say that we may have every right to that planet

2018-11-20 17:21:41 UTC  


2018-11-20 17:23:48 UTC  

Remember, what i am referring to is microbial transport on meteors. An ELE level asteroid strikes Mars and kicks up all sorts of stuff into space. On some of those rocks life in the form of simple spores or the like manages to hang out. That rock hits Earth billions of years ago and voila, that life then spreads on Earth. Or vice versa, we could find that Martian life, if it exists, started here. We may never be able to tell which is which.

2018-11-20 17:26:26 UTC  

We should make a serious effort to look for signs of life on Mars before we stop being careful of contaminating the planet. If we make a serious effort and find none, we let loose. If we find microscopic life and it is the same of Earth's based nucleic acid scheme, we let loose. If we find it's radically different, we catalog it and study it...and let loose.

2018-11-20 17:26:46 UTC  

Ultimately I don't see us going hands off on a world for some microorganisms

2018-11-20 17:29:28 UTC  

On the other hand, there are some interesting points to be made about who ends up "owning" Mars. It's a lot more difficult to cross interstellar space than it is the Atlantic. Governments and billionaires currently will govern who goes and what gets established there. I think now is a good time to be discussing how much right they will have over who goes. What will that mean for liberties? Will people have to indenture themselves to pay for passage, becoming essentially slaves to the initial settlers and rich sponsors?

2018-11-20 17:29:55 UTC  

Now THOSE are the real questions about Martial equality in my mind

2018-11-20 17:30:11 UTC  

And lots of sci-fi takes on this general theme

2018-11-20 17:30:21 UTC  

For good reason