Message from @Atkins

Discord ID: 517825393256955904

2018-11-29 16:22:03 UTC  

here's an archive link

2018-11-29 16:23:53 UTC  


2018-11-29 16:25:02 UTC  

>searching testosterone or hair loss means you're insecure

2018-11-29 16:26:54 UTC  

>Sargon makes video about soyboys
>decides to research T levels
>is now statistically a fragile male on that basis alone
Yeah no

2018-11-29 17:00:31 UTC  

>research anatomy
>google average pp size
>fragile male

2018-11-29 17:01:53 UTC  

>Testosterone levels are crashing across the western world and no one knows why

2018-11-29 17:02:33 UTC  

Meanwhile if there was a fluctuation in women's estrogen levels there would be a Manhattan Project scale effort to determine why and to fix it.

2018-11-29 17:11:41 UTC  

Nature will fix it, nature always fixes the astray species, problem is it does it in the most horrible way, there won't be cuddles that's for sure.

2018-11-29 17:16:36 UTC  

Nature is fixing it. First males will go away, then the species will die off

2018-11-29 18:39:02 UTC  

The way I do my part is simply to regularly exercise, particularly now while I'm still in my youth. I will encourage my future children to do the same

2018-11-29 20:09:21 UTC  

@Grenade123 One way or another it will do it, unless we once again abide to it's rules.

2018-11-29 20:19:35 UTC

“I think people all over this city, of every background, would like to have the city government be able to determine which building goes where, how high it will be, who gets to live in it, what the rent will be,” de Blasio said in a wide-ranging interview with New York Magazine. “I think there’s a socialistic impulse, which I hear every day, in every kind of community that they would like things to be planned in accordance to their needs.”

Need to find that interview

2018-11-29 20:25:23 UTC

"In 2013, you ran on reducing income inequality. Where has it been hardest to make progress? Wages, housing, schools?
What’s been hardest is the way our legal system is structured to favor private property. I think people all over this city, of every background, would like to have the city government be able to determine which building goes where, how high it will be, who gets to live in it, what the rent will be. I think there’s a socialistic impulse, which I hear every day, in every kind of community, that they would like things to be planned in accordance to their needs. And I would, too. Unfortunately, what stands in the way of that is hundreds of years of history that have elevated property rights and wealth to the point that that’s the reality that calls the tune on a lot of development."

2018-11-29 20:27:17 UTC  

how did i miss this interview from 2017

2018-11-29 20:27:31 UTC  

fucking hell this makes me want to boycott NYC

2018-11-29 20:35:17 UTC  

No thanks

2018-11-29 20:35:20 UTC  

I pass

2018-11-29 22:12:52 UTC  

Nobody believes this shit anymore.

2018-11-29 22:13:04 UTC  

Just homely broads looking for attention.

2018-11-29 22:13:14 UTC  

And GoFundMe dosh.

2018-11-29 22:15:59 UTC  

When all else fails, accuse someone of witchcraf- err... I mean rape

2018-11-29 22:46:54 UTC  

Everyone I don't like is a rapist!

2018-11-29 22:47:47 UTC  

you forgot #metoo 😉

2018-11-29 22:57:41 UTC  

`Earlier this afternoon, ***alt-right Jewish*** commentator Laura Loomer handcuffed herself to the front doors of Twitter’s New York headquarters, while wearing a Yellow Star and carrying a bullhorn and a number of printed-out tweets. `

2018-11-29 22:58:22 UTC  

This was the first result on google for laura loomer

2018-11-29 22:59:16 UTC  

Jesus Christ Almighty how can such pervasive stupidity and ignorance be countered? It's like fighting the sea.

2018-11-29 23:21:45 UTC  

Every day we stray further from God's light.

2018-11-29 23:21:58 UTC  

Court has ordered that this six year old undergosocial transitioning thearapy, hormone therapy administration, and chemical castration once he reaches 8 years of age

2018-11-29 23:22:16 UTC  

According to this article the boy does not believe himself to be a girl.

2018-11-29 23:24:10 UTC  

The court has also ordered that the father not discuss the son's gender with him.

2018-11-29 23:34:05 UTC  

“ CrowdStrike General Counsel and Chief Risk Officer appointed to the White House Commission “ on Crowdstrike inc

In April 2016, two months before the June report that alleged a Russian conspiracy, former President Barack Obama appointed Steven Chabinsky, the general counsel and chief risk officer for CrowdStrike, to the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity. Chabinsky was also formerly Deputy of Cyber Division and Chief of Cyber Intelligence for the FBI. Connecting Crowdstike to the DNC, FBI, and the Obama administration.

2018-11-29 23:34:06 UTC  

Lol. Ok the wapo article that can be renamed "Trump supporters have little dicks" is amazing

2018-11-29 23:34:13 UTC  

So much fuckin journalisming

2018-11-29 23:34:21 UTC  

I love it

2018-11-29 23:53:41 UTC  

Yeah. Read is here.

“ How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood “
By Eric Knowles and Sarah DiMuccio on Washington Post

WP does some half assed “ research “ using google searches. They determine, using loose unscientific correlations, that men who support Trump have small penises and erectile disfunction.

2018-11-30 00:02:55 UTC  

Orange pp small

2018-11-30 00:09:00 UTC  

I don't know how @Timcast can, I would have shooted myself already.

2018-11-30 00:09:21 UTC  

Reading all that sht.