Message from @Crimsom

Discord ID: 477977123135684629

2018-08-11 19:05:33 UTC  

i mean im coming from the perspective of someone who has done research papers and had to cite my sources as primary, secondary, or tertiary

2018-08-11 19:06:42 UTC  

if you have no ACTUAL evidence to support your claims then you arent worth reading

2018-08-11 19:10:46 UTC  

Yup that's the way it's supposed to be, but there have been moves by advisors to get their names off papers to make it not look like a circle. There's one name I know of for sure having attempted (but the student adamantly refused), but I'm having a hard time finding an article due a more prominent scandal that guy had.

2018-08-11 20:14:39 UTC  


2018-08-11 20:14:52 UTC  

I had a bad experience with papers..

2018-08-11 20:15:02 UTC  

I did programming, and the NCEA required written papers

2018-08-11 20:15:09 UTC  

For the course to be eligible

2018-08-11 20:15:17 UTC  

So know what they filled that with?

2018-08-11 20:15:21 UTC  

"People and games"

2018-08-11 20:15:28 UTC  

ILUVBLMxxXX6942069XXxx tweeted "ICE is terrorists" (1 like 2 RT).


2018-08-11 20:15:30 UTC  

"Women in games" "Ethics in games"

2018-08-11 20:15:46 UTC  

Fucking hell, complete waste of time.

2018-08-11 22:18:36 UTC  

Yeah it's like.

2018-08-11 22:18:46 UTC  

It's not JUST on you when your degree turns out to be worthless.

2018-08-11 22:19:01 UTC  

A lot of the times there's no way to know the classes have been loaded with garbage.

2018-08-11 22:19:27 UTC  

Drives me nuts how this obvious point doesn't occur to most people.

2018-08-11 22:34:09 UTC  

Well, the other thing with that is that the job market changes

2018-08-11 22:34:21 UTC  

A job that might have been profitable when you started is all of a sudden worthless when you graduate

2018-08-11 22:34:44 UTC  

That said, there are some degrees which have never had a profitable job on the other side

2018-08-11 23:10:26 UTC  

Huehuehue he write wrong is funni

2018-08-11 23:12:00 UTC  

fuck orange cheeto 45!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <:VeRiFiEd:463064374236413962>

2018-08-12 00:33:05 UTC  

DRUMPF is FINISHED how can he EVER recover after this SCATHING REVALATION

2018-08-12 00:35:19 UTC  


2018-08-12 00:35:47 UTC  

The "He's gonna be impeached any day now" crowd are gonna have some serious complications from those blue balls

2018-08-12 00:43:49 UTC  

says the increasingly nervous group for the 463th time of this presidency

2018-08-12 00:46:04 UTC  

Many of them are either too young or willfully not remembering that Bill Clinton got impeached for lying under oath, not for sleeping with Monica

2018-08-12 00:46:37 UTC  

The bar for impeachment is really high and legally pretty specific. It doesn't just mean, "Hurr durr, I don't like you." or "You're rude, loud, annoying, and tweet too much"

2018-08-12 00:46:59 UTC  

That was an onion headline: Trump will be impeached anyday now, says increasingly nervous man for the 37th time this year

2018-08-12 00:49:20 UTC  

God Emperor Trump will never not be president and he will Keep America Great Exclamation Point

2018-08-12 00:49:45 UTC  

Only the 37th?

2018-08-12 00:54:08 UTC  

Blue balls <:VeRiFiEd:463064374236413962> <:VeRiFiEd:463064374236413962>

2018-08-12 00:54:09 UTC  

Someone didn’t know the onion was satire and used it as a demonstration for right wing fake news at a college not to far from my own.

2018-08-12 00:54:53 UTC  

Fred Phelps cited the onion once.

2018-08-12 00:55:01 UTC  

When they reported the gays recruited gays.

2018-08-12 00:55:38 UTC  


2018-08-12 00:56:03 UTC  

like, i can see someone occasionally not checking a lesser-known parody site

2018-08-12 00:56:07 UTC  

but the fucking onion

2018-08-12 00:56:29 UTC  

Well it was cases like those that illuminated the fact onion was a parody thing.

2018-08-12 00:56:39 UTC  

SOMETHING had to make it famous

2018-08-12 00:56:41 UTC  

I had to explain to the mom of one of my Japanese friends that the onion wasn't real when they posted a headline like, "Japan granted US statehood before Puerto Rico"