Message from @Mimi

Discord ID: 513378138697236480

2018-11-16 20:47:32 UTC  

Can’t wait for the NYT article: “FIRE: The organization with an anti-Semitic following”

2018-11-16 20:53:35 UTC  

Doesn't the ACLU have the position that 'hate speech' is actually a thing?

2018-11-16 20:56:17 UTC  

I think they've had some conflicting statements on that in the last couple years
Oh wait, you said IS a thing. Yeah.

2018-11-16 20:56:28 UTC  

the ACLU has the position of "hey, if we virtue signal hard enough then idiots throw money at us".

2018-11-16 20:57:07 UTC  

whatever it is that they stood for, it's not what they stand for now.

2018-11-16 20:57:24 UTC  

I heard that they got a ton of donations when Trump was elected because of people fearing that he'd strip away all rights

2018-11-16 20:57:35 UTC  

And that that's when they started going downhill

2018-11-16 20:57:49 UTC  


2018-11-16 21:01:41 UTC  

could someone explain to me why title ix is a thing in the first place? because i really don't get it. if there is a crime - go to the cops. preferably in a timeframe that allows for an investigation and not half a century later.

2018-11-16 22:03:46 UTC  

deplatforming does nothing but increase interest in the person youre trying to silence

2018-11-16 22:17:52 UTC  

Reminder that what is often considered to be the first death in the US civil war was pro-abolitionist journalist Elijah Parish Lovejoy who had his printing press destroyed 3 times before being killed by an angry mob who opposed his publication.

2018-11-16 23:28:09 UTC  

tbh i would have joined FIRE if i knew they existed while i was in college

2018-11-17 12:52:56 UTC  

not fat - wearing a fat suit. you can clearly see it if you look at the face and neck. fat people don't have skinny face and neck like that.

2018-11-17 12:53:42 UTC  

or they are just shit at drawing things and have no idea how realistic proportions work. probably both.

2018-11-17 12:55:56 UTC  

Look at how hypocritical people criticizing OneAngryGamer are

2018-11-17 12:56:16 UTC  

Body positivity activism isn't actually about fighting irrational insecurity, it's about claiming authority about who gets to shame

2018-11-17 13:00:52 UTC  

Male body shaming, virgin shaming, living conditions shaming, etc.

2018-11-17 15:41:20 UTC  

oh my god

2018-11-17 15:41:26 UTC  

this is fucking hilarious these comments

2018-11-17 22:54:11 UTC  

>what if you're genetic fat reeeeee
Wasn't there a study that showed even with a thyroid problem or other shitty disadvantage that the difference would be within a few pounds and not healthy vs can't sustain your own body past 40?

2018-11-18 01:22:06 UTC  

Tim mentioned in a video today that it's weird that automatic 'projectile devices' could be restricted as they are today, so I thought I'd give a brief explanation on how that happened, because it's an interesting example of how rights can slowly erode.

In 1934 the NFA passed. This act among required weapons such as easily concealable firearms(originally it was intended to include handguns), explosives, or automatic weaponry to be registered which cost $200. Adjusting for inflation that's nearly $4,000 in today's money.

In 1986 the Hughes amendment passed which closed the registry. It was passed by a voice vote, and it was disputed whether the ayes outnumbered the nays. The chairman in charge refused requests for a recorded vote to take place. So now they weren't *banned*, but no more could be registered meaning that now even the lowest quality junk automatic gun goes for $10,000; because the demand greatly outnumbers the now fixed supply.

In 2008 DC vs Heller the Supreme Court ruled that guns that were not 'in common use' were not protected by the 2nd amendment. In other words because prior laws had heavily regulated automatic weapons so that they were unobtainable by the common man they were no longer 'in common use' and therefor free to be infringed upon.

2018-11-18 01:23:30 UTC  

For fun, here's a gun catalog from the 60's to show how things have changed.

2018-11-18 01:25:26 UTC  

I thought there was a motivating factor with gang crime who largely used automatic weapons.

2018-11-18 01:27:30 UTC  

Are we talking the Capone era?

2018-11-18 01:28:14 UTC  


2018-11-18 01:28:15 UTC  

I believe there was, yeah. The stereotype of the tommy gun wielding mobster didn't come from nothing, but I can't tell you how much of that was based on fact and how much from media.

2018-11-18 01:28:16 UTC  

i think

2018-11-18 01:28:56 UTC  

but yeah, if you give people an inch, they really do try to take a mile

2018-11-18 01:29:38 UTC  

I wish that wasn't the case

2018-11-18 01:30:01 UTC  

Makes life more difficult for moderates

2018-11-18 01:30:34 UTC  

How can you compromise when every concession just resets the baseline? :-(

2018-11-18 01:30:42 UTC  


2018-11-18 01:31:20 UTC  

The funny thing is politicians promote the fact that they do that as a positive.

2018-11-18 01:31:39 UTC  

May they rot in Hell

2018-11-18 01:32:47 UTC  

"Somehow the notion of unalienable liberty got lost. It's really become a question of what liberties will the state assign to individuals or rather, what liberties we will have the strength to cling to." - Paul Denton

2018-11-18 01:53:26 UTC  

Howitzers for every law abiding citizen.

2018-11-18 01:56:05 UTC  

if you want to make the grade, you've got to have a hand grenade

2018-11-18 01:56:10 UTC  

and a fully automatic GI gun