Message from @Illyrian

Discord ID: 514903972893687829

2018-11-21 19:53:08 UTC  

"would be a terrible thing to happen and I think most of us are smart enough to recognize that were better together than separate"

sounds like a UK Remainer

2018-11-21 20:08:09 UTC  

The US is a much tighter union than the EU. It's been over 100 years since the last time one of our states was an independent nation. And only 15 of our states can claim to ever have been.

2018-11-21 20:09:48 UTC  

That was meant to be a joke

2018-11-21 20:10:19 UTC  

I was going to say “State Enforced Honosexuality is the best way for social cohesion” but then I thought that was probably too shitposty

2018-11-21 20:12:29 UTC  

There are a lot of noisy people on both left and right talking about it so I choose the respond truthfully when it comes up.

2018-11-21 20:15:46 UTC  

Yes, but what proof do you have that it would be horrible once you gloss over the transition period?

2018-11-21 20:17:50 UTC  

Can you really argue gun friendly states are better off stuck in a union with gun unfriendly states? Where the Federal government is used as a battleground to force each-other's orthodoxy on the dissenters?

2018-11-21 20:26:11 UTC  

Its a lack of understanding,

Caused by people locking themselves up in their room and only living in social bubbles

2018-11-21 20:26:28 UTC  

as well as traveling systems preventing cross-over

2018-11-21 20:26:50 UTC  

city people for example tend to have no idea how life is like in rural areas

And they use airplanes to fly from city to city, so they'll never encounter rural areas

2018-11-21 20:27:06 UTC  

and cuz they're in a social bubble, they think they are the majority cuz the majority of the people they know agree with them

2018-11-21 20:28:32 UTC  

As well as that the people in rural areas don't grasp that cuz of people living so close on each other so massively, theres more systems in place, people don't form tight knit communities, and they have general safety,

As well as more insanity due to more numbers of people

2018-11-21 20:30:08 UTC  

the gun issue wasn't really an issue until the last 20-30 years, when it became a scapegoat for people not understanding, and poor management

2018-11-21 20:33:57 UTC  

as well as shifting cultural climates,

Don't forget that in 1988, California was a red state, and it flipped,

Just like in 1976 Texas was a blue state that flipped

2018-11-21 20:39:45 UTC  

Gun control dates back a long time. A lot of the cities in the "wild west" actually had complete gun bans in the city limits (considering this would include places like Kansas City and most other places of famous can see how well that worked).

The big modern push was the 1938 National Firearms Act which was a response to the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. The two other major pieces of legislation were responses to the assassination of JFK and the attempted assassination of Reagan. For the most part, it is true that guns are usually a scapegoat for other issues.

2018-11-21 20:40:57 UTC  

And there is a strong urban rural divide. The cities really don't interact with the rural parts anymore and tend to demonize them. The arrogance and condescension from people like Colbert is, in my opinion, a major driver of polarization at the current moment.

2018-11-21 20:43:18 UTC  

this is why they get called Elitists

2018-11-21 20:43:40 UTC  

the demonize these Rural people because they are like alien

2018-11-21 20:43:58 UTC  

they use these "bad" words they don't know are bad because no one out there uses anything else.

2018-11-21 20:44:08 UTC  

you can use racist words while not intending to be racist

2018-11-21 20:44:33 UTC  

When quoting Blazing Saddles, for example.

2018-11-21 20:44:56 UTC  

You either quote it uncensored, or don't quote it at all.

2018-11-21 20:45:30 UTC  

the elites make of this illusion that words are the important part not the intent or context to keep the lower class fighting among themselves. And those who pretend to be in the elite but are too dumb to really be in it play along like the puppets they are

2018-11-21 20:46:03 UTC  

i think i find more genuinely nice people out in the sticks than i do in cities.

2018-11-21 20:57:15 UTC  

Cat, weren't you the one arguing that a state does not have the right to secede from the union?

2018-11-21 21:17:15 UTC  

I pointed to the precedent of the US Civil War, yes. That said, given an Act of Congress brings a state in, it could be argued that a similar Act could pave a departure.

2018-11-21 21:17:33 UTC  

That has yet to be explored to my knowledge

2018-11-22 02:06:31 UTC  

I felt like everything that I have believed in is challenged

2018-11-22 02:06:53 UTC  

No one is wrong, and No one is right.

2018-11-22 02:07:37 UTC  

What determines the rightful things is a common sense?

2018-11-22 02:20:50 UTC  

Not quite groking you on that last sentence.

2018-11-22 03:40:45 UTC  

Congratulations ihereou, you have just discovered the ideology of relativity

2018-11-22 03:41:00 UTC  

the most destructive line of thinking in our modern age

2018-11-22 03:45:15 UTC  

@ihereou of course no-one is totally right. We all get things to a varying degree of right or wrong, and it is the responsibility of each individual to learn what is right and what is wrong in order to avoid being deceived

2018-11-22 03:46:54 UTC  

I'm right, y'all are wrong
Problem solved

2018-11-22 03:49:01 UTC  

I like the way you think @Beemann

2018-11-22 03:49:36 UTC  

Slave mentalities are for chumps 👌

2018-11-22 03:49:49 UTC  

Slave moralities even

2018-11-22 03:49:59 UTC  


2018-11-22 03:50:21 UTC  

Beemann over here be droppin some ***wOkEnEsS*** on us

2018-11-22 03:53:52 UTC  

The slave morality results in your victimization and oppression. It is subjugation seeking
The master morality is the path of the ubermensch, the alpha and omega chad. It is the only way to truly achieve historically significant chaditude, and it involves deciding that some things are, in fact, totally correct