Message from @Stefan Payne

Discord ID: 514845527410737154

2018-11-21 04:54:58 UTC  

Is it irony that Republicans are red?
Because in order to understand all meaning and sacrifices, you need to shallow the redpill to get out of your comfort zone while the bluepill is to keep you in the safest place, but it's just a simulation presented by Media.

2018-11-21 05:03:00 UTC  

Republicans are red because they both begin with "r"

Nah, it all started around the 2000 election. The Republicans had been calling the democrats socialist for some time so the media decided it would be convenient to use the color of socialism to mark the Republicans ("ha! who's the socialists now!"). Hence America is the only country where the right is labeled in red and the left in blue.

2018-11-21 05:03:54 UTC  

But a number of TV anchors at the time said the reason was literally that the party and the color begin with the same color.

2018-11-21 05:06:34 UTC  

@pratel that didn't start in 2000. Really? Am I that ignorant that I don't know?

2018-11-21 05:07:28 UTC  

The colors differed by the station. I think 2000 was when every newspaper and TV station managed to decide to use red for Republicans and blue for Democrats. It was also around the time we got websites like "redstate" or "bluestate"

2018-11-21 05:07:58 UTC  

It might have been earlier, but I've seen 2000 as the point when it really standardized.

2018-11-21 05:14:57 UTC  

My phone connection must be acting up

2018-11-21 05:50:07 UTC  

Recently James Allsup has been making some vague allusions to anti-semitism that are a bit concerning. He won't outright say it, but he'll find some connection to "the Jews" and then just be like "really makes you think, huh? The Jews are involved... Very interesting."

2018-11-21 05:50:55 UTC  

It feels kinda disingenuous.
Like dude if you hate the Jews at least say it.
Don't be all vague about it. Aren't you the one who's always so cocky and up front about your beliefs

2018-11-21 12:51:20 UTC  

Allsup is far from the best channel, frankly

2018-11-21 15:56:58 UTC  

I swear when it comes to people like Allsup, it's like watching a documentary about a particular conspiracy theory all the way to the end just for some guy like Allsup to whisper in your ear "oh and by the way, it's ***tHe JeWs***".

2018-11-21 15:58:41 UTC  

Allsup >>>> Pakman

2018-11-21 15:59:21 UTC  

They're both shit

2018-11-21 15:59:32 UTC  

Problem solved

2018-11-21 16:00:57 UTC  

Yeah, Matt and Rebecca rule them both

2018-11-21 16:02:14 UTC  


2018-11-21 16:12:50 UTC  

if many people make that connection about the jews, maybe there could be some truth on that.

2018-11-21 16:18:22 UTC  

Trying to draw connections between your average jewish person and the few who are in powerful positions (and specifically the ones often associated with conspiracy theories) is exactly the same as feminists trying to draw a connection between the average man and all successful males. It's such a lazy conclusion, all you'd have to do is think for five seconds and realize that there are so few jews that supposedly control the world compared to the jewish population that it most likely has nothing to do with jewish heritage. At least the socialists simply identify "the rich" as the problem, which while still a lazy distinction still takes a few more brain cells than "it's the jews"

2018-11-21 16:19:21 UTC  

Yes. When these kinds of theorists say "the jews", they're using a lazy shorthand for "The disproportionate minority of wealthy jews within positions of power that collectively work towards a generally homogenous goal".

2018-11-21 16:52:19 UTC  

That the Jews are very Tribal and discriminate against other people doesn't help.
If you watch the "MAC Repair Guy" Louis Rossmann, he tells you about his jewish Landlord who would have made the Rent far cheaper if he was a Jew.

2018-11-21 16:53:41 UTC  

Jones is probably more accurate when he refers to "the globalists", which encompasses those with similar goals and in similar situations.

2018-11-21 16:55:45 UTC  

Ah Democrats. A party that is so against "gun violence", they want to cause a civil war and nuke their own citizens because the latter don't want their constitutional rights stolen from them.

2018-11-21 16:57:51 UTC  

What little scraps of it remain.

2018-11-21 19:46:23 UTC  

California should be allowed to secede.

2018-11-21 19:49:55 UTC  

The problem with that is that a lot of the US would then be forced to make a choice between options. I do think a mutual parting of ways, a split of the US, is more likely than a civil war. Certainly more desirable. That said, it would be a terrible thing to happen and I think most of us are smart enough to recognize that were better together than separate.

2018-11-21 19:51:28 UTC  

I'm an American, a patriot, and I think most living in population centers feel the same way.

2018-11-21 19:51:58 UTC  

Don't make the mistake of listening just to the noisy ones.

2018-11-21 19:53:08 UTC  

"would be a terrible thing to happen and I think most of us are smart enough to recognize that were better together than separate"

sounds like a UK Remainer

2018-11-21 20:08:09 UTC  

The US is a much tighter union than the EU. It's been over 100 years since the last time one of our states was an independent nation. And only 15 of our states can claim to ever have been.

2018-11-21 20:09:48 UTC  

That was meant to be a joke

2018-11-21 20:10:19 UTC  

I was going to say “State Enforced Honosexuality is the best way for social cohesion” but then I thought that was probably too shitposty

2018-11-21 20:12:29 UTC  

There are a lot of noisy people on both left and right talking about it so I choose the respond truthfully when it comes up.

2018-11-21 20:15:46 UTC  

Yes, but what proof do you have that it would be horrible once you gloss over the transition period?

2018-11-21 20:17:50 UTC  

Can you really argue gun friendly states are better off stuck in a union with gun unfriendly states? Where the Federal government is used as a battleground to force each-other's orthodoxy on the dissenters?

2018-11-21 20:26:11 UTC  

Its a lack of understanding,

Caused by people locking themselves up in their room and only living in social bubbles

2018-11-21 20:26:28 UTC  

as well as traveling systems preventing cross-over

2018-11-21 20:26:50 UTC  

city people for example tend to have no idea how life is like in rural areas

And they use airplanes to fly from city to city, so they'll never encounter rural areas

2018-11-21 20:27:06 UTC  

and cuz they're in a social bubble, they think they are the majority cuz the majority of the people they know agree with them

2018-11-21 20:28:32 UTC  

As well as that the people in rural areas don't grasp that cuz of people living so close on each other so massively, theres more systems in place, people don't form tight knit communities, and they have general safety,

As well as more insanity due to more numbers of people

2018-11-21 20:30:08 UTC  

the gun issue wasn't really an issue until the last 20-30 years, when it became a scapegoat for people not understanding, and poor management