Message from @ryuplaneswalker

Discord ID: 517106819777429524

2018-11-27 18:24:59 UTC  

Gamers are the most oppressed minority!

2018-11-27 18:25:07 UTC  

it's time we RISE

2018-11-27 18:28:37 UTC  

>Geneva convention only counts for warfare
>lefties mad at Trump for apparent violations vs migrants
>yfw lefties call it an invasion too

2018-11-27 18:34:40 UTC  

"how dare trump used banned weapons, THATS OUR JOB!"

2018-11-27 20:14:56 UTC  

I don't really get the "it's not an invasion" idea. Like, it's certainly not a military invasion, and shouldn't be treated as one, but how is that not an apt word to describe a large group of people simultaneously entering an area they're not allowed in?

2018-11-27 20:16:47 UTC  

I can understand that it can be seen as unnecessarily emotional rhetoric to make it seem worse than it is, but it's still accurate by definition.

2018-11-27 20:23:10 UTC  

>large group of people simultaneously entering an area they're not allowed in

2018-11-27 20:23:19 UTC  

did someone ever try to ask _why?_ it isn't

2018-11-27 20:23:32 UTC  

>muh asylum seekers?

2018-11-27 20:56:39 UTC  

"but they are asylum seekers!"
" why aren't they waiting at the port of entry with their friends who have seeked asylum?"

2018-11-27 20:57:23 UTC  

like, i wasn't aware Mexico was so dangerous that storming a border seemed like a valid way to seek asylum

2018-11-27 20:57:50 UTC  

like is there literally an armed force following them into mexico that warrants running away?

2018-11-27 21:12:14 UTC  

Here is my US external perception of the american political landscape. First thing: In my country political parties are strictly ideological, there is a communist party, socialist party, social democrat party, social liberal party, liberal party, libertarian party, conservatives party, populist party, muslim party, far right party. Since you need a majority, we tend to see a division down the middle, with the social liberal party switching side regularly. (Liberal used in the classical EU sense)
In the US the two major parties are not strictly ideological, but more act as an election block. Since there are fringes in both parties, the left tries to label all republicans white supremacist and the right tries to label all dems as communists. The resent shift to the left in the dems have caused the libertarian and classical liberal minded voters to abandon the dems. Only a minority of them have gone to the republicans. If you agree with Martin Luther King or John F Kennedy your positions are now best represented by the republicans.

2018-11-27 21:52:55 UTC  

@Grenade123 "like, i wasn't aware Mexico was so dangerous that storming a border seemed like a valid way to seek asylum"
Even that one doesn't work, because they stormed the mexico's border too

2018-11-27 21:52:57 UTC  


2018-11-27 21:59:02 UTC  

Also Mexico offered them Asylum

2018-11-27 21:59:08 UTC  

and they said "NO WE WANT MURICA"

2018-11-27 22:03:38 UTC  

What's that about beggars and choosers?

2018-11-27 22:25:11 UTC  

they even gave them housing

2018-11-27 22:37:25 UTC  

At this point.

2018-11-27 22:37:53 UTC  

can we just give mexico to the drug cartels in exchange for them kicking the caravans out?

2018-11-27 22:49:44 UTC  

the cartels want the US/mexico border to be as open as possible, so probably not

2018-11-27 22:54:41 UTC  

Which is why they want to get rid of migrants. They are bad for business, and makes the border guard more alert.

I don't usually post videos but this felt important

2018-11-28 00:08:15 UTC  

Only to System Press

2018-11-28 00:41:02 UTC  

Hello everyone

2018-11-28 00:41:38 UTC  

Well, it happened. The left of my country, Brasil, finally got crazy

2018-11-28 00:41:50 UTC  

they were always crazy

2018-11-28 00:42:33 UTC  

There it was a time, 3 years ago, were the right had more crazies then the left

2018-11-28 00:43:46 UTC  

It was so much fun to kick those poor bastards of the right....

2018-11-28 00:44:29 UTC  

But.... The right learned the lesson and send many of the crazy ones to oblivion

2018-11-28 00:45:16 UTC  

Meanwhile, the left gained more crazies

2018-11-28 00:46:14 UTC  

And just as happened many years ago, many on the left were pushed to the center, and many on the center were pushed to the right....

2018-11-28 00:47:14 UTC  

I'm not quoting Tim, tough. That actually happened.

2018-11-28 02:48:26 UTC  

You know it’s a real shame, deep inside I still consider myself a left leaning libertarian but it’s the overwhelming number of crazies on the far left out of nowhere that made me start leaning right.

2018-11-28 02:48:53 UTC  

IDK but I’ve been on both ends of the fence and the far sides of both camps are pretty scary

2018-11-28 03:01:07 UTC  

"There is a massive left-wing activist base." From Tim's latest vid. Has the number increased dramatically since he said progressives make up 8% of the population?

2018-11-28 03:04:38 UTC  

20 million is still a big pool to draw "massive" base from

2018-11-28 03:09:43 UTC  

I'm still not sure what that 8% represents. Just how far left do you have to be to be included in it?

2018-11-28 03:10:05 UTC  

I mean we just held an election and 53 million voted for Dem and 45 million for Repubs