Message from @I AM ERROR
Discord ID: 471547399177895947
Morrigan, Leliana and the old lady
leliana is cool
But too much of a saint
Oh right, I forgot about Leliana
Eh, she's pretty powerful with the right build
She was there just to unlock stuff
Joseph Rogan. Fat bottom lip!
Do one of him bald.
DA Origins, I always had Morrigan and Alistair. 4th Id switch out whenever.
I installed an extra slot for the dog
I love this game so much
It's like KOTOR but in lord of the rings
The dog in DA?
guess who
a racist dog?
It's Dankula
(i was thinking about saying racist pug, but then i could not refrain from taking a jab at the australian protesters 😄 )
I'm Scottish. That looks like so many women here. Really.
Although Dankula is Irish descent so he's part potato. Not full haggis.
Oh please god let this happen
not gonna happen, ever
The absolute mad lad
The tariffs maybe, subsidies no way, barriers would depend on what he means but most likely not gonna happen.
To be honest its been his tactic
Ask for the wall to be built
And the mexicans pay for it
One thing people didnt notice is that people started mocking the idea that mexico would pay
Instead of whether the wall should be built
We should kill the niggers, and make the mexicans pay for it
I will say what i always say when that word comes up: eat more noggers, they are delicious.
srsly, no one gonna be an Ork with me in this chat? y'all are ghey
Orcs are dumb
Change my mind
Orcs are dumb