Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 471665745072357409
Dat's gay
like, he pushed his dick through the guy's eye
it's great
Eye sex = gay
unless you have aids
Are you sure the director was not shyamalamaman?
The only place i put my dick is in a girls mouth or her puss
Nope, apparently the whole movie is a metaphor for socialism
Oh my bad i thought we were talking about weird fetishes
never put your dick in an electrical socket Contro?
@Rabbi Shekels what if she has a jaw spasm?
@Uksio dammit man my boner was just kil
Tetanus in her jaw. Clamps down and locks.
@Deleted User you brought it up
sounds like someone has a spasming Jaw
I actually had that as a teen
Talking about eye socket penetrations
My cousin's pug locks it jaw onto stuff like a shoe for example. Then you can carry the pug around by the shoe.
I mean the jaw muscle cramps
🤔 mhmm
i see
Every time I'd chew a gum for a while my jaw would just cramp
Yeah my jaw used to do massive clicks. And it cramped a bit sometimes.
It ruined my tooth too, that's the saddest part
I fucking love Tim. He comes across as so genuine.
unless hes a trap
Yeah I cracked my own tooth from grinding my teeth together when I was asleep.
I could not relax the jaw and the tension chipped one tooth in half, and also a bit of my front tooth (not visible, but I can feel it)
I like tim so much because i can relate to him
now imagine that with a penis in your mouth
Tim is the easiest to turn into a trap, man
Relate to him as in you share his bemusement with the madness in society around him?